
Energy limits

dfamonteiro opened this issue · 3 comments

Allowing the user to set a maximum energy limit for a lap (i.e. fuel limit per lap) could make this simulation tool very useful for racing series such as Indycar and Formula E.

Setting energy limits and power limits to each individual tire could also produce lap simulations that could tell us more about how drivers change their driving style in order to make the tires last.

Thank you for building this simulation tool!

Hello! Noted. This is a super interesting addition. Thanks!

Hello @dfamonteiro !

Energy limits are coming along. The code is ready and two tests (one for engine limit, and other for tire limits) were added to the continuous integration, but it is not still included into the python world. I just found it slows down things (a laptime is roughly 3 times slower). I will investigate this in the future, but for the time being I will live with it. (It does not affect the performance without energy limits.)

Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 20 33 15

Done! Find an example here

You can use:

  1. engine-energy
  2. tire-fl-energy
  3. tire-fr-energy
  4. tire-rl-energy
  5. tire-rr-energy

I first run a lap without limits, to see the maximum energy the car can perform. Then run a second lap applying the desired limits. For engine-energy simulations, the parameter vehicle/rear-axle/smooth_throttle_coeff must be 1.0e-2, otherwise the simulation will not converge. This does not destroy the accuracy anyhow, since the default parameter 1.0e-5 was super low already (see this paper)

Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 22 03 27
