This is a small helper to perform Firebase backups.
Firebase backup helper
Usage: ./ [--credentials <arg>] [--collections <arg>]
[--rotation-days <arg>] [--(no-)quiet]
[--(no-)dry-run] [-h|--help]
<project> <region> <bucket-address> <service-account>
<project>: Poject name
<region>: Region
<bucket-address>: Bucket address, e.g. gs://project-backup-bucket/
<service-account>: Service account to use, must have export access on
firestore and write access on bucket
--credentials: Auth credentials file absolute path and name, defaults to
$(pwd)/credentials.json (no default)
--collections: Collections to be exported, can be blank (no default)
--rotation-days: Rotation days, e.g. 30 indicates that when doing a new
backup, those older than 30 days will be deleted. If no flag then
deletion is disabled (no default)
-h, --help: Prints help
Author:Juan Matias Kungfoo de la Camara
May the Force be with you
new line to test