
This project creates a customizable overlay on a video clip that shows data recorded previously with a GPS unit, sincronized with the video.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

VideoSync Python Video Overlay 2.0

This project creates a customizable overlay on a video clip that shows data recorded previously with a GPS unit, sincronized with the video.


This software has been implemented on 2016, and now is under heavy redesign / refactoring. I', using vulture and coverage to remove dead code and help me to refactor the old 2.7 python code to 3.11.

  • vulture: vulture.exe hudint.py -t "TEST" -s -v .\templates\config_white.xml .\samples\Tietar-MTB\data.fit .\samples\Tietar-MTB\video1.MP4 .\samples\Tietar-MTB\ouput.avi
  • coverage: coverage.exe run hudint.py -t "TEST" -s -v .\templates\config_white.xml .\samples\Tietar-MTB\data.fit .\samples\Tietar-MTB\video1.MP4 .\samples\Tietar-MTB\ouput.avi


git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/chaconinc/MainProject

H264 Encoder:

Solution found here go here and download the required version (in our case, 1.8.0) then save the DLL file in the same directory that the python script (e.g. VideoSync folder). Then, change the writer to the fourCC codec info, from XVID to X264. Done.


  1. Sync the camera's date & time with GPS time
  2. Start the GPS unit to record (better at 1s interval)
  3. Create clips
  4. Go home
  5. Download video files.
  6. Download GPS unit files.
  7. Run the program with the configuration file, gps file and video files.


The project uses the stored date & time metadata field in the video clip to sync the GPS info with the video frames. After getting this value, the program walks across the frames, looking for the right point info (the point nearest in time to frame's time). Then, based on a customizable XML configuration file, it draws each video frame with the data (e.g speed, distance, cadence... etc). After that, a new video clip is build with the overlay. Sound, Resolution and Quality if fully preserved.


My test rig is:

  • Garmin EDGE 1000 configured to save 1s intervals, no zeroes in power, neither cadence. No autostop, no autolap.
  • Gopro HERO 3 at 1280 x 720 / 50 fps.
  • Stages power (left crack arm).


Easy: Put the SAME data & time that GPS unit. With GOPRO is really easy: Get the GOPRO app (Android, IOS), go to settings, press Set Date & Time. This syncs the date with NTP (internet) date and everything go fine. ITS VERY IMPORTANT TO SYNC THE DATE. For now, the sync DATE can't be passed as argument to the program, but in a future I can put this functionality.


The configuration is done using XML file format. You can configure layout, data fields, images, rectangles, lines, fonts, colors, interpolation mode, and units. See the configuration files for more details.


  • Support FIT files (e.g. to extract Power, Cadence, Temperature ... etc)

  • Support GPS files (more basic information)

  • Imperial Units (mi/h, ft, mi, F)

  • SI Units (km/h, m, m, C)

  • Any frame rate (30, 50, 100 fps)

  • Any video resolution (more res, more time)

  • Autosync video time

  • Filtering & Smoothing (currently activated for slope, speed) (points are convoluted to remove spikes and to smooth the data curve)

  • Smart gradient calculation (se above)

  • Draws a Map based on Open Street Map of the current segment.

  • Support Video offset (to process only the relevant segment).

  • Create matte overlay (e.g. to use the overlay in Final Cut Pro).

  • Configurable:

    • Fonts

    • Colors

    • Data fields: slope slope, in % distance distance travelled elevation elevation from sea level speed speed label generic label (e.g. the title or the credits) time current VIDEO time (when clip was recorded, updated) cadence RPM temperature In the right unit hr Heart Rate power in Watts (supports animation) gpsinfo Latitude, Longitude info osmmap A customizable Open Street Map (with caching) altgraph Altitude Graph (Fully customizable) bearing Bearing (a nifty compass) picture Generic PIL image support (e.g. Watermark or icons) rect Draws a RECTangle in the screen line Draws a Line in the screen

      Each field can be customized in location, size, color, transparency, fonts, and specific configuration (e.g. ossmap). You can have MULTIPLE items (e.g. the icons) and can customized each one individually.

    If not data is available (e.g. Power in GPX file) and still you have configured the data field, a "--" is shown. Each data field is updated each frame (to archieve good smooth transitions).

    • Supports INTERPOLATION. The GPS values are stored at maximum 1sec interval, but I managed to write some functions to interpolate the values for specificic frame intervals (e.g. 1/50 sec). This allows the program to create smooth value changes, instead 1-sec updates. See altgraph or ossmap widgets to get the difference between 1-sec update (non interpolated) and Interpolated (continuous) udpates.

Have more things, but I can't remember every feature of the project :)


  • Currently works on Windows 7, Windows 10 and MacOS 10.13.6.

  • Based on Python 3.11 with the following dependencies:

    • OpenCV
    • PIL (PILLOW)
    • PyGame
    • FITParse
    • GPXPy (used my own modified version)
    • NumPy
    • Hachoir
    • Imutils
    • TimeCode

This project is multi-platform, and should work on Linux without problems. Currently the distribution status of this work is "functional prototype" that means that works well (there are some hidden bugs, by sure) but is not "distributable" in the mean that to install it you haven't any package or installer (by now).


The code uses the GNU General Public license version 3.0 for personal and Non Profit organizations. For Commercial use, please contact me before using the code.


No warranty is given for this project. Is a personal development, and It's not distributed neither released.


% python311\python.exe -m pip install opencv-contrib-python
% python311\python.exe -m pip install pillow
% python311\python.exe -m pip install pygame
% python311\python.exe -m pip install fitparse
% python311\python.exe -m pip install gpxpy
% python311\python.exe -m pip install numpy

% python311\python.exe -m pip install imutils
% python311\python.exe -m pip install timecode
% python311\python.exe -m pip install hachoir

FFMPEG binaries (https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/)