User Administration

This app allows you to manage users and their IBAN, you will login as a Administrator of users, you only can edit/delete users that you created.


This is a docker based application, so you will need docker installed in your machine.

To install it you can go to the official documentation: here

Once, you have docker installed, you can just run:

make server

To see this application, go to http://localhost:8000

You can see all the availables commands with:

make help


We lint the application with isort and pylint, just run the following command:

make pylint


We use pytest-django to run the tests. Test files names start with test_*.py

To run all the tests, we can just run:

make test

This creates a new container which will be destroyed after the test command ends.


If you have any doubts or any improvement, you can just open an issue or create a pull request, also you can contact me on: