This folder contains the files needed for the BeagleBone Black located on the float of our submersible.
To install the necessary libraries run the file. To initiate the Python code run the file.
The following code is only tested for Ubuntu Saucy (13.10) on the BeagleBone Black. It will work on most Ubuntu systems, although you needed an updated Bone kernel in order for the software to work. Check you bone kernel by using this comand: uname -a. Make sure it is Bone_28 or above.
If you would like a more detalied explanation on the RoboGoby folder and what it contains please refer to out other repositoy name robogoby. Thanks.
The file will install the following:
•Python and Python GPIO dependencies
•Adafruit_BBIO library files
•Java 7 Runtime Environment
•GPSd, GPSd-clients, and Python-GPS
•Update and Upgrade of the operating system
To download everything run:
sudo bash
Run this command to initate the stepper library:
sudo python install
This is a library made especally for the BeagleBone. It used the Adafruit_BBIO library to run a stepper motor using the TB6600 stepper motor driver. The BeagleBone Black pins 15 and 17 on header 8.
•Pin 17 is the "Clk" signal
•Pin 15 is the "Dir" signal
Below is an example of how to use the stepper library (variables = rotations, rpm):
stepper.spin_clockwise(config.pins, rotations, rpm)
stepper.spin_counterclockwise(config.pins, rotations, rpm)
For more information open the file. The pins used can be changed by accessing
The GPSd instillation will have been completed after the file was run.
The file will read GPS data coming from UART4 on the BeagleBone, parse the data, and then send it in DD/MM/SS.SSL format back to the user. Enabling UART on the BeagleBone uses device tree overlays. If you already have the correct files in /lib/firmware then enabling UART is easy (bone_capemgr.# depends on the Bone kernel you have installed):
sudo su
echo BB-UART4 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots
And then lock the UART port with gpsd-clients (which was installed in during
gpsd /dev/ttyO4 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
Now the file can be run using Python:
sudo python
The file is used to read incoming voltages and relate that to % of battery. The hardware consists of a simple voltage step-down attached to the BeaglBone's ADC pins. The file was converted into a "" module for Project RoboGoby. For more information on how to use this code please read out blogpost found here:
The file is a module created to measure psi and then conovert it to distance below sea level. This specific setup uses the BeagleBone Black's ADC pins and an SC150 pressure sensors. For more information on the sensors please read this blog post:
This repository also contains the file used to read a DS118B20 temperature sensor through the BeagleBone Black. This sensor is a one-wire sensors and has been extremely useful for things other than Project RoboGoby. If you would like to know more about this sensor please read out blogpost: