
Functional classes and helpers for C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


FunK is a library for functional programming in C#. It contains most of the most common helpers and constructs for this matter.


Most of the type lifters or constructors are inside the static class F, so you need to include using static F in order to freely acces them.

Maybe example

using FunK;
using static F;

public static class Guard
    public static Maybe<T> NotNull<T>(object value)
        if (value is null)
            return Nothing;
        return Just((T)value);

Try example

Try<Uri> CreateUri(string uri) => () => new Uri(uri);

var uriTry = CreateUri("rubbish");

Exceptional<Uri> exURI = uriTry.Run();

    Success: uri => fnWithUri(uri),
    Exception: ex => handleUriError(ex),

Functional Monads and Functors

This library provides some of the most common monads and functors as well as new ones designed to ease the functional paradigm in the C# ecosystem.

  • Maybe

  • Either

  • Result

  • Identity

  • Validation

  • Excepcional: Designed as a more verbose either, holding either a value or an Exception. It can be casted from either of those values.

  • Try: Designed to wrap a function that pottentially throws an Exception, allowing you to lazy execute it returning an Exceptional from it.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
