Course Dates: Monday, March 20 – Friday, May 12, 2017 (7 weeks)
Class Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1–3pm (21 class sessions)
Class 1: Monday, March 20 – Number Bases
Class 2: Wednesday, March 22 – Recursion & Search Algorithms
Class 3: Friday, March 24 – String Algorithms
Class 4: Monday, March 27 – List, Array & Linked List
Class 5: Wednesday, March 29 – List, Stack & Queue
Class 6: Friday, March 31 – Map & Hash Table
This repository (located at
) is the course's origin repository which will contain course materials including links, slides, and challenges.
Note that you cannot commit or push to the origin repository.
However, you can fork it to maintain your own version of it and push your code there. Here's an overview of what your repository setup should look like:
Follow these steps to set up your own course repository:
Clone this repository on your computer:
git clone
Fork this repository on GitHub to create your own version of this repo on your GitHub account, which should also be named
Add your GitHub repository as a remote to the local one on your computer (note: you need to give a name to the remote, e.g. your first name):
git remote add <first-name><github-user>/Data-Structures.git
Link the local repo to your remote GitHub repo:
git push -u <first-name> master
When you want to access new course materials, just pull from the origin remote repo:
git pull origin master
When you've completed a challenge and want to share it for code review, commit your work and push it to your own remote repo with:
git push