
Gradle plugin for deploying AWS Serverless Application Models

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Gradle plugin for deploying Serverless Java applications using AWS Serverless Application Models (SAM) via CloudFormation templates.


Initial setup

  1. Add this plugin to your build script, see https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/com.github.kaklakariada.aws-sam-deploy
plugins {
  id 'java'
  id 'com.github.kaklakariada.aws-sam-deploy' version '0.6.1'
  1. Configure your AWS credentials in ~/.aws/, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html#cli-config-files
  2. Create a SAM cloud formation template, see https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model
  3. Optionally: create a swagger interface definition, see http://swagger.io/specification/
  4. Create file gradle.properties in your project dir with the following entries:
    • awsDeploymentBucket: Bucket used for uploading lambda code and swagger definition, e.g. my-deployment-bucket
    • awsRegion: AWS region in which to deploy your application, e.g. eu-west-1
  5. Add a serverless section to your build script and configure your stages:
ext {
  deployStage = project.hasProperty('stage') ? project.properties['stage'] : 'test'

serverless {
  activeStage = deployStage
  defaultAwsProfile = 'default'
  defaultAwsRegion = awsRegion
  defaultDeployBucket = awsDeploymentBucket
  stages {
  	test {
  		// use default values
  	prelive {
  		awsRegion = 'eu-west-1'
  		awsProfile = 'prelive-profile'
  		deploymentBucket = 'prelive-bucket'
  api {
  	stackName = "${project.name}-${deployStage}"
  	samTemplate = file('template.yml')

Required permissions

aws --profile $profile iam create-policy-version --policy-arn $policy_arn --policy-document file://iam-deploy-policy.json --set-as-default


Deploy your app with ./gradlew -Pstage=<myStage> deploy -i.

This will

  • Build a zip of your application including dependencies
  • Upload the zip to the configured S3 bucket
  • Replace some placeholders in your swagger definition and upload it to S3
  • Replace some placeholders in your CloudFormation template and create a change set
  • Execute the change set to create/update the CloudFormation stack

Delete stack

Delete your complete stack with ./gradlew -Pstage=<myStage> deleteStack -i.

Be careful, this will may also delete DynamoDB tables.

Example projects


$ git clone https://github.com/kaklakariada/aws-sam-gradle.git

Using eclipse

Import into eclipse using buildship.

Generate license header for added files:

$ ./gradlew licenseFormat

See https://plugins.gradle.org/docs/submit for details.

  1. Add API Key from https://plugins.gradle.org to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:

    gradle.publish.key = ...
    gradle.publish.secret = ...
  2. Run ./gradlew publishPlugins