
Responsive web application built to look out single/combined deals in New Zealand - Data retrieved from BookMe and EventFinda

Primary LanguageRuby

my budget app logo

Deals and Events in NZ

Code Climate Build Status Coverage Status

  • Responsive web application built to look out single/combined deals in New Zealand.
  • Allows importing deals/events from BookMe and EventFinda websites.
  • Events filtered by Price and Keywords ("tours", "hotels", "food", "drinks", "beaches" and "fun").
  • Results returned from API cached within the application. Expiration time: 1 hour.

1. Development

Clone repository:

git clone git@github.com:juanroldan1989/my-budget-app.git

Install gems:

bundle install

Setup DB:

rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare

1.1 Import deals from BookMe.co.nz:

Scrapping events is the only way, there's no API available:

rake get:deals:from:book_me

1.2 Import deals from EventFinda.co.nz:

cp config/application.sample.yml config/application.yml

Run import task (implemented with event_finda_ruby gem):

rake get:deals:from:event_finda

1.3 Combine deals from both websites

rake deals:set:combined

1.4 Starting up

Validate test suite:

rspec spec

Launch app:

foreman start

1.5 Redis

Having Redis setup, start looking for events. Stored keys can be checked like this:

$ redis-cli> select "0"
OK> keys **
 1) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2"
 2) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/keywords_search/82"
 3) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/3/keywords_search/126"
 4) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/209"
 5) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/keywords_search/75"
 6) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/75"
 7) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/keywords_search/285"
 8) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/3/keywords_search/82"
 9) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/3/keywords_search/209"
10) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/3"
11) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/3/keywords_search/285"
12) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/keywords_search/158"
13) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/285"
14) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/82"
15) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/158"
16) "/v1/deals/by_price/0/by_price_lower_than/2/keywords_search/126"
17) "/v1/deals/by_price/0"

Heroku's Redis addon displaying stored keys in live app:

my budget app redis

2. Work in progress

3. Q&A

Questions or problems? Please post them on the issue tracker. You can contribute changes by forking the project and submitting a pull request. You can ensure the tests are passing by running rspec spec.