Screenshot iOS

📲 How to Run/Test?

Download .zip file and open TestJuan.xcworkspace.

📚 External libraries?

I use two external libraries by CocoaPods. Lottie (for micro-interaccions) and RealmSwift (To save data locally). Pods dependencies are commited inside folder. Pod install is not neccesary. Just run TestJuan.xcworkspace.

🌟 Primary Goals

  • Build an app that can display the user’s current location on a map
  • Update the map in real time as the user moves.
  • In response to a “tracking on/off” UI switch, record or do not record the user’s movements.
  • Display a path over the map as the user moves.
  • If a journey is defined as a set of recorded locations between a tracking on and a tracking off switch, retain the user’s journeys.
  • Allow the user to see all their journeys in a list.
  • Allow the user to see the start and end times of their journeys when they select them from the list.
  • The app should record the user’s location in the background if the user selects “tracking on” and backgrounds the app.
  • The app should not use the battery if the user selects “tracking off” and backgrounds the app.
  • If the app is resumed from the background during tracking, it should correctly display a path representing the journey that is currently being recorded.

🌟🌟 Bonus Goals

  • Allow the user to see each journey’s path plotted on a map, when selected from the list.
  • Show any other interesting data you can think of relating to a journey, when selected from the list.
  • Secure the data that’s stored on the device.

🌟🌟🌟 Optional Goals

I haven´t time to complete optional goals =(

  • [] Retain the user’s data if the app is deleted and re-installed. I can use Running Workout Sessions and Healtkit in order to complete this goal. I have an personal application named Waterink that use this feature. Check Waterink in AppStore.
  • [] Detect the user’s motion, and automatically determine when to turn tracking “on” or “off”, in a way that conserves battery power. I can use Motion Activity to do this. But I have no time to implement.

💡 Extra features (My ideas in order to build a cool iOS lovelly product)

  • Onboarding
  • Cool location permission handler
  • Focus on iOS Product. Design guidelines and UX
  • Micro-interaction with Lottie
  • Realm to save data locally
  • Current Journey card
  • Feedback generator
  • You can see current Journey path and old paths history without stop current recording.
  • See date on Journey card
  • Minimal validation to save new Journey

📈 Architecture

1 - LocationManager.swift

Abstraction layer to handle native CLLocationManager. Receive location updates from VCs.

2 - JourneyManager.swift

Abstraction to manage current Journey and all historic (Saved) Journies. 

3 - StorageManager.swift

Abstraction layer to save data locally with Realm.

4 - JourneyViewModel.swift

Represent a Journey (ViewModel) for ViewControllers.

5 - JourneyModel.swift and LocationModel.swift

Represent persistense layer objects. To save into Realm.

6 - ComponentFactory.swift

Commonds and shared UI components factory.

7 - MainViewController.swift

Launch transition and permissions handler.

8 - MapViewController.swift

Handle Map user interactions. Include JourneyViewController as child container.

9 - JourneyViewController.swift

Journey list (CollectionView) and switch on/off.

10 - ComponentFactory.swift

Commonds and shared UI components factory.

11 - AppDelegate.swift

Initialize managers.

🎨 Consistency Colors

I create a basic pallete based on OpenTrens main color (aprox). Screenshot iOS

📋 Supported OS

  • iOS 12.0+
  • Swift 4.2
  • xCode 10+

👨🏻‍💻 Author

Juan Sanzone - ❤️ I love iOS Mobile Products. ❤️