A husband, father and traveler who loves to tell his adventures with Design Systems.
@wayflyer Dublin City, Ireland
juarezpaf's Following
- ahawkinsskillshare.com
- alevizioPachama
- caffoFlexcode Software
- charliegerardSocket
- codediodeioFireship LLC
- coderberry@clickfunnels2
- crnacura@codrops
- davideast@project-idx
- ebidelYahoo
- felipefialho@juntossomosmais, @frontendbr
- girliemacMicrosoft
- jamesdanielsGoogle
- lukelex@SimplerQMS
- lukemeliaYapp
- luzc
- machtyFutureProof Retail
- mixonicAddepar
- necolasMeta
- nerdywormSan Diego, CA
- pazguille@mercadolibre
- peteleGoogle Chrome
- podrivoSão Paulo, Brazil
- pufhttp://www.firebase.com
- rachelmyers@firebase
- robdodsonVoltus
- roboshoesJunior Cabbage District Manager
- sergiolopesAlura
- sindresorhus
- stefanjudis@Checkly
- taras@thefrontside
- tmeasday@chromaui
- tomdale@linkedin
- WebGDEProgram
- workmanwZillow Group
- wycats@tildeio
- zenorocha@resend