- Request to API Mercado Livre;
- Used JavaScript, CSS e HTML;
- Worked with asynchronous functions (.then, async/awayt);
- LocalStorage manipulation;
- Developed unit tests.
In this application you can:
- Search for any catégory of items if you put a name on input space and click at 'Buscar';
- Select an item to put in your shopping cart;
- The value of your purchase will change after all include item;
- You can remove any item from your cart, by clicking on some information about this product in there;
- Tou can clear all shopping cart clicking on 'Esvaziar carrinho'.
If you'll like to see this project on your machine, you can make a git clone. After that please make an npm install and npm start.
Now if you are interested just in seeing this application on air, please click here.