
Testing Static Analyses for Precision and Soundness

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository guides you to build and test our work that we submitted to CGO 2020.

There are two ways to reproduce the results.

For your reference, we want to inform you that all our work is open source. You can build it easily with some assumptions on pre-requisites listed further. The results shown in Table 1 and 2 (in paper) are time consuming.

Estimated Time

To give you an idea on evaluation time to test SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark for precision testing experiment, it takes a minimum of ~8 hours to a maximum of ~40 hours for one dataflow fact, on a machine with two 28-core Xeon processors.

The performance evaluation experiment in manual setup requires building applications like, Gzip, Bzip2, Stockfish, and SQLite. It takes from a couple of hours for Bzip2, ~8 hours for Gzip, ~25 hours for Stockfish, and ~70 hours for SQLite.

In Docker setup, once Docker image is pulled, you can run precision and soundness testing scripts in a few minutes. The performance testing script takes ~40-50 minutes to finish.

In case, you have any time constraints, we recommend you to pull the docker image especially for performance evaluation experiment which takes the longest in manual setup.

The analysis of results are discussed here. We also provide guidelines for customizing experiments here.

Approach 1: Using Docker Image


Souper should run on a modern Linux or OSX machine. We tested our work on Ubuntu-18.04 version. Check Ubuntu version:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic


Install docker engine by following the instructions here.

SPEC CPU Benchmark 2017

Our evaluation involves SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark. We cannot provide a copy of this benchmark as restricted by the SPEC License Agreement. For details, check this.

For Table 1 in paper, we assume you have a SPEC ISO image, version 1.0.1.

Steps to follow

  1. Fetch the docker image from docker hub.
$ sudo docker pull jubitaneja/artifact-cgo:latest

To check the list of images, run:

$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
jubitaneja/artifact-cgo   latest              d5bc1be66342        2 hours ago         14.2GB
  1. Run the docker image.
$ sudo docker run -it jubitaneja/artifact-cgo /bin/bash

This command will load and run the docker image, and -it option attaches you an interactive tty container.

  1. Evaluate the experiments. After you have successfully run the docker image, you can go the path:
$ cd /usr/src/artifact-cgo

This directory contains the entire setup of our tool.

Evaluation: Section 4.1

This section makes use of SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark that we cannot share directly in the docker image. For this, you will need your own ISO image and follow the instructions here to reproduce the results.

Evaluation: Section 4.2 to 4.5

These sections evaluates the precision of several dataflow analyses as shown in examples in the paper. Run the script to reproduce the results.

$ cd /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/test
$ ./test_precision.sh

Evaluation: Section 4.6

This section measures the impact of precision of dataflow analysis. We test compression applications, like Bzip2, gzip; SQLite; and a chess engine, Stockfish as shown presented in Table 2 in paper.

NOTE: In paper, to test the performance of gzip and bzip2, we compressed the 2.9 GB ISO image for SPEC CPU 2017, and decompressed the resulting compressed file. However, for the artifact evaluation purpose we cannot distribute SPEC ISO image. We modified this experiment setting by generating a random 1GB file using dd utility.

Run the script to reproduce the results for all applications.

$ cd /usr/src/artifact-cgo/performance/test
$ ./test_performance.sh

This will take about 40-50 minutes to finish. If you want to understand what's happening, please refer the details mentioned further.

Evaluation: Section 4.7

This section evaluates three soundness bugs as discussed in the paper. Run the script:

$ cd /usr/src/artifact-cgo/soundness/test
$ ./test_sound.sh

Evaluation: Section 4.8

This section mentioned that our work contributed towards making concrete improvements to LLVM. We provide references to each one of those here.

  • Evaluating x & (x-1) results in a value that always has the bottom bit cleared [Ref:1].

  • The LLVM byte-swap intrinsic function was not handled by known bits analysis earlier. It is fixed now [Ref:2].

  • 0 - zext(x) is always negative [Ref:3].

  • The result of @llvm.ctpop countpop intrinsic had room for improvement [Ref:4].

  • Test for equality can be resolved at compile time sometimes using dataflow analysis [Ref:5].

Approach 2: Building from scratch


Souper should run on a modern Linux or OSX machine. We used Ubuntu-18.04 for our work. Check Ubuntu version:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

There are certain requirements for different tools and compiler. For this, you can either run the prepare_req.sh script or follow the instructions for each pre-requisite separately.

Approach 1: Use script

The script requires sudo access to install some packages from apt-get package manager.

$ git clone https://github.com/jubitaneja/artifact-cgo.git && cd artifact-cgo
$ export CGO_HOME=$(pwd)
$ ./prepare_req.sh

Approach 2: Build manually

Follow the initial steps, and start building the tools:

$ git clone https://github.com/jubitaneja/artifact-cgo.git && cd artifact-cgo
$ export CGO_HOME=${PWD}
$ mkdir -p ${CGO_HOME}/scratch/tools
$ cd ${CGO_HOME}/scratch/tools
  • Requirement 1: Re2c

    In case your machine does not have re2c package installed, you can download the source from here. Our work used re2c version: 1.0.1.

    $ re2c --version
    re2c 1.0.1

    Follow the instructions in README file to configure and build re2c.

  • Requirement 2: Redis

    Our work requires caching the Souper queries results using Redis. We used redis version 5.0.3 for our work. You can download the source code here. Follow the instructions to build here.

  • Requirement 3: CMake

    You need CMake to build Souper and its dependencies. Our work used cmake version 3.10.2. If you want to build CMake from source, you can download the source here. Follow the instructions in README.txt file to build.

    $ cmake --version
    cmake version 3.10.2
  • Tip: Make sure to export clang, cmake, redis, re2c binaries path in PATH environment variable.

Building Souper

After all pre-requisites have been installed, follow the steps to build Souper for precision testing experiment.

$ cd ${CGO_HOME}
$ ./build_souper_precision.sh

You can find the compiled souper binary in $CGO_HOME/scratch/precision/souper/build directory, and clang binary in $CGO_HOME/scratch/precision/souper/third_party/llvm/Release/bin/ directory.

Evaluation: Section 4.1

Follow the instructions here.

Evaluation: Section 4.2 to Section 4.5

Run the script test_precision.sh

$ cd ${CGO_HOME}
$ ./test_precision.sh

Evaluation: Section 4.6

Follow the instructions here.

Evaluation: Section 4.7

Build souper to reproduce soundness bugs, and then run the test_sound.sh script to test bugs.

$ cd ${CGO_HOME}
$ ./build_souper_sound.sh
$ ./test_sound.sh

Analyzing the results

Section 4.1

The precision testing results are saved in individual files for each analysis. For instance,

  • Known bits analysis results in files:knownbits_*
  • Negative analysis results in files: neg_*
  • Non-negative analysis results in files: nonneg_*
  • Non-zero analysis results in files: nonzero_*
  • Power of two analysis results in files: power_*
  • Number of sign bits analysis results in files: signbits_*
  • Range analysis results in files: range_*
  • Demanded bits results in files: demandedbits_*

Each individual file corresponds to a Souper expression for which we computed dataflow facts from our tool, Souper and LLVM compiler. So, you will find a very large number of files generated as a result.

Now, to reproduce the numbers as shown in Table 1 in the paper, you just have to run this script.

# Go to the main directory of this repo.

$ export CGO_HOME=$(pwd)/artifact-cgo
$ cd $CGO_HOME
$ ./section-4.1/extra-scripts/process-all.sh

This script will give you the count of parameters like, Souper is more precise, LLVM is more precise, Same precision, Resource exhaustion.

You may find non-zero number of llvm is stronger cases for some analyses. These should be manually tested and analyzed further by increasing the solver timeout value, increasing the maximum tries for constant synthesis, not limiting the execution time on Z3 and souper-check processes through crontab, etc.

Section 4.2

You are analyzing known bits computed by our tool - Souper, and LLVM compiler. The results should look like this.

Sample output

 Evaluation: (Known bits) Section 4.2
 Test: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/test/section-4.2/known1.opt
%x:i8 = var
%0:i8 = shl 32:i8, %x
infer %0
knownBits from souper: xxx00000
knownBits from compiler: xxxxxxxx
; Listing valid replacements.
; Using solver: Z3 + internal cache


The first part is the input test written in Souper IR.

%x:i8 = var
%0:i8 = shl 32:i8, %x
infer %0

This specifies a shift left operation of a 8-bit constant value 32 by an unknown shift amount labeled by %x. The question is to compute known bits information for %0 i.e. 32 << %x from both compiler and our tool - Souper.


  • When computing facts by Souper - How it works?

Input (Souper IR) -> souper-check -> known bits from Souper

  • When computing facts by LLVM compiler - how it works?

Input (Souper IR) -> souper2llvm -> LLVM IR (.ll file) -> llvm-as -> LLVM IR (.bc file) -> souper -> known bits from compiler

In the second pipeline, souper makes calls to LLVM's dataflow functions to compute results from compiler.

Dataflow information

The result is a 8-bit known bits information for shift-left operation (32 << %x). The x in the result indicates that a bit is unknown, 0 means that a bit is known zero, 1 means that a bit is known one.

Clearly, compiler computes xxxxxxxx which means all bits are unknown. However, Souper computes xxx00000 which means our algorithm can prove 5-low bits as zero and is thus, more precise than LLVM compiler.

Likewise, you can now analyze other examples included in the result.

Section 4.3

You are analyzing the power of two dataflow analysis results. The output should look like this.

Sample output

 Evaluation: (Power of two) Section 4.3
 Test: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/test/section-4.3/power1.opt
%x:i64 = var (range=[1,3))
infer %x
known powerOfTwo from souper: true
known powerOfTwo from compiler: false
; Listing valid replacements.
; Using solver: Z3 + internal cache


The first part is input written in Souper IR.

%x:i64 = var (range=[1,3))
infer %x

What does it mean? This is an input variable of 64-bits with a given range [1,3) in which lower bound 1 is included, but upper bound 3 is excluded. In short, the input variable labeled %x in above Souper IR is a number in the set {1, 2}.

Now, we question if this is a power of two or not from both Souper and LLVM compiler.

Dataflow information

The result computed by compiler is false that means LLVM compiler cannot prove that it input variable with specified range is a power of two. However, Souper returns the result true that is it can prove that given input test is a power of two.

Now, you can analyze rest of the examples in this section.

Section 4.4

You are analyzing demanded bits results in this section. The output should look like this.

 Evaluation: (Demanded bits) Section 4.4
 Test: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/test/section-4.4/demanded1.opt
%x:i8 = var
%0:i1 = slt %x, 0:i8
infer %0
demanded-bits from souper for %x : 10000000
demanded-bits from compiler for var_x : 11111111
; Listing valid replacements.
; Using solver: Z3 + internal cache


The input in this case is:

%x:i8 = var
%0:i1 = slt %x, 0:i8
infer %0

This specifies a signed less than (slt) operation to check if 8-bit (i8) input variable %x is signed less than 0. The question is to compute demanded bits for variable %x from both Souper and LLVM.

Dataflow information

The representation of bits is same as known bits, where x means unknown bit, 0 means a bit is not demanded, and 1 means that a bit is demanded.

A bit is not demanded means the value of it won't affect the result in any way, and the more we know about such bits, the better it is to perform optimizations. You can check details of this analysis in the paper.

Now, coming back to this example. LLVM computes the result ``11111111which means LLVM says that all bits are demanded. However, Souper using our SMT solver-based algorithms computes the result10000000` which means that our algorithms can prove that only most significant bit (MSB) is demanded, and all other bits in the result are not demanded. This is because signed less than operation with constant zero only cares about the MSB. Hence, Souper computes precise fact than LLVM.

Likewise, you can now verify other examples in this section.

Section 4.5

You are analyzing integer range analysis results in this section. The output should look like this.

Sample Output

 Evaluation: (Range) Section 4.5
 Test: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/test/section-4.5/range1.opt
%x:i8 = var
%0:i1 = eq 0:i8, %x
%1:i8 = select %0, 1:i8, %x
infer %1
known range from souper: [1,0)
known at return: [-1,-1)
; Listing valid replacements.
; Using solver: Z3 + internal cache


%x:i8 = var
%0:i1 = eq 0:i8, %x
%1:i8 = select %0, 1:i8, %x
infer %1

The select instruction is LLVM’s ternary conditional expression, analogous to the ?: construct in C and C++. The expression below returns one if %x is zero, and returns %x otherwise.

The goal is to compute the range for 8-bit result (%1) computed by select operation.

Dataflow information

LLVM cannot compute any precise result in this case, and returns the default full-set represented by [-1, -1] which means the range of numbers starting at -1 as lower bound, wrapping around and stopping at upper bound -1.

However, Souper computes the result [1, 0] which means it is a set of all numbers starting at 1, wrapping around but excluding 0. Thus, Souper can precisely compute the range and tell us that the result will not be zero, but any other number.

Likewise, you can now analyze other examples in this section.

Section 4.6

In this section, you are analyzing the results shown in Table 2 in the paper. When you will run the specified scripts in Docker, the output should look like this.

Sample output Log on the console

This is how the output should look on the console. You can ignore these messages, these are just added to give you an idea about what is happening. We iterate each experiment for three times and compute the average speedup at the end.

   Performance Evaluation

Preparing file ...
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 16.3392 s, 65.7 MB/s
Created a file: 1gb

Testing #1: bzip2

Iteration #1: computing baseline compression time

Iteration #1: computing precise compression time

Iteration #1: computing baseline decompression time

Iteration #1: computing precise compression time

Iteration #2: computing baseline compression time
Testing #2: gzip

Iteration #1: computing baseline compression time

Iteration #1: computing precise compression time

Iteration #1: computing baseline decompression time

Iteration #1: computing precise decompression time

Testing #3: Sqlite

Iteration #1: Baseline SQLite run

Iteration #1: Precise SQLite run

Iteration #2: Baseline SQLite run
Testing #4: stockfish

Iteration #1: Baseline stockfish run
Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT by T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott
info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 116 nodes 20 nps 10000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv e2e4
info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 112 nodes 54 nps 27000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv e2e4 b7b6

Final output on console

At the end, you will should see the final results for each benchmark as shown below.


For bzip2, you will find average compression/ decompression time for both baseline and precise version. If you want to check individual result of each iteration, you can check the file: result-bzip.txt in Docker at path: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/performance/test/

Sample Output
Final result of bzip2

Avg Baseline Compression time = 296.663333333 sec

Avg Precise Compression time = 242.42 sec

Speedup in compression time = 18.2844751065%

Avg Baseline Decompression time = 130.13 sec

Avg Precise Decompression time = 131.036666667 sec

Speedup in decompression time = -0.696739158278%


For gzip2, you will find average compression/ decompression time for both baseline and precise version. If you want to check individual result of each iteration, you can check the file: result-gzip.txt in Docker at path: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/performance/test/

Sample Output
Final result of gzip

Avg Baseline Compression time = 58.1166666667 sec

Avg Precise Compression time = 58.8833333333 sec

Speedup in compression time = -1.31918554631%

Avg Baseline Decompression time = 10.32 sec

Avg Precise Decompression time = 10.37 sec

Speedup in decompression time = -0.484496124031%


For SQLite, you will find average time to process 100 selects on a SQL database with 2,500,000 insertions, for both baseline and precise version. If you want to check individual result of each iteration, you can check the file: result-sqlite.txt in Docker at path: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/performance/test/

Sample Output
Final result of SQLite

Avg Baseline SQLite = 82.69 sec

Avg Precise SQLite = 80.0566666667 sec

Speedup in SQLite = 3.18458499617%


For Stockfish, you will find total time for computing the next move in 42 chess games that are part of its test suite, for both baseline and precise version. If you want to check individual result of each iteration, you can check the file: result-stockfish.txt in Docker at path: /usr/src/artifact-cgo/performance/test/

Sample Output
Final result of Stockfish

Avg total time for Baseline Stockfish = 270.563333333 sec

Avg total time for Precise Stockfish = 268.328sec

Speedup in SQLite = 0.826177481551%

NOTE: The speedup numbers may vary depending on which architecture you are using, and what is the configuration of the machine or because of several other factors.

Section 4.7

You are analyzing the soundness bugs in this section. We reproduced these soundness bugs by forward porting the bugs that were reported in old version of LLVM's dataflow analyses to LLVM-8.0. The output should look like this.

Sample output

 Evaluation: (Soundness bugs) Section 4.7

Testing Soundness Bug #1 in non-zero dataflow analysis

%0:i32 = add 0:i32, 0:i32
infer %0

known nonZero from souper: false

known nonZero from compiler: true
; Listing valid replacements.
; Using solver: Z3 + internal cache

; Static profile 1
; Function: foo
%0:i32 = add 0:i32, 0:i32
cand %0 0:i32


In this test case, we are asking LLVM compiler and Souper to tell us if 0+0 is non-zero? Again, this is not from current version of LLVM, but from an older version but we forward ported the bug from older version to LLVM-8.0.

Dataflow information

In this case,compiler tells us the result is true, which means LLVM says that 0+0 is non-zero. Souper, instead, gives the result false. Thus, more precise result from LLVM compiler indicated a soundness bug in LLVM because 0+0 is always zero. This was fixed later on.

The rest of the output starting with ; are comments and Function: foo is a candidate harvested by Souper. This is not giving us any relevant information, so you can ignore these parts.

Customization: How to use our tool for extended testing?

You can easily customize test inputs written in Souper IR, and try different dataflow facts options to compute the precise dataflow facts using our tool.

Test Inputs

If you are interested in taking a look at more test inputs, you can refer to the Souper test suite to find files with name *known*.opt, power*.opt, sign*.opt, range*.opt, demanded*.opt here.

Different Options

The list of options that you can use to compute precise dataflow facts using our SMT solver-based algorithms, and from LLVM compiler are as shown in the Table below.

Dataflow Analysis Options for DFA computed by Souper Options for DFA computed by LLVM
Known bits -infer-known-bits -print-known-at-return
Sign bits -infer-sign-bits -print-sign-bits-at-return
Negative -infer-neg -print-neg-at-return
Non-negative -infer-non-neg -print-nonneg-at-return
Non-zero -infer-non-zero -print-non-zero-at-return
Power of two -infer-power-two -print-power-two-at-return
Integer Range -infer-range -souper-range-max-precise -souper-range-max-tries=300 -print-range-at-return
Demanded bits -infer-demanded-bits -print-demanded-bits-from-harvester


  • To compute maximally precise dataflow facts using our algorithms, you should first write a test input in Souper IR, and then run it with souper-check with specific argument along with Z3 solver path specified.

    Input (Souper IR) -> souper-check -> Dataflow result

    Sample command line

    souper-check -infer-known-bits -z3-path=/path/to/z3 inputFile.opt

    In the above command, path to souper-check utility is from precision setup in Docker at /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/souper-build/, and from manual building setup at $CGO_HOME/scratch/precision/souper/build.

    Also, in Docker -z3-path=/path/to/z3 is already exported as an environment variable. You can directly use $SOUPER_SOLVER in command line. For manual building setup, please refer to this script: test_precision.sh and look for SOUPER_SOLVER.

  • To compute dataflow facts from LLVM compiler, you should first write a test input in Souper IR, and then run it with souper with specific argument from the Table shown above.

    Input (Souper IR) -> souper2llvm-precision-test -> LLVM IR (.ll file) -> llvm-as -> LLVM bitcode (.bc file) -> souper -> Dataflow result from compiler

    Sample command line

    souper2llvm-precision-test inputFile.opt | llvm-as | souper -print-known-at-return

    In the above command, path to souper2llvm-precision-test and souper utility is from precision setup in Docker at /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/souper-build/, and from manual building setup at $CGO_HOME/scratch/precision/souper/build. llvm-as in Docker is at /usr/src/artifact-cgo/precision/souper/third_party/llvm/Release/bin, and in manual setup at $CGO_HOME/scratch/precision/souper/third_party/llvm/Release/bin

    For demanded bits computation only from LLVM compiler, use souper2llvm-db to translate a given Souper IR to LLVM IR.

More experiments

You can follow instructions of Section 4.6 to evaluate the performance of any other benchmarks as well.