
Developer-style Bash prompt string formatting (PS1). Includes current branch name and counts for commit differences between branch and master and master and remote (where applicable) edit

Primary LanguageShell

Developer's Bash-GIT PS1 Integration


Provides simple information about git repository for the bash terminal

Erik Johnson (xtrementl)
Created: 07-29-2009
Updated: 03-31-2011

Special thanks to:

The PS1 will be formatted as follows:
Non-Git repo:
    [{host}: {dir}] -->

Git repo:
    [{host}: {dir}] {branch}({diff upstream counts}){working dir syms} [{time last commit}] -->


The marker ($) will be colored red/green depending on the result of last command's exit code
For Git repos, the working dir symbols are:
    + - staged changes
    * - unstaged changes
    ^ - stashed changes
    % - untracked files


Add the following line to your .bashrc:
    source ~/.bash_git_ps1.sh