Personal Configuration

This is my personal configuration. It’s currently a mess in progress.

OS Config

Since I use NixOS, my OS config is managed by configuration.nix.

User Config

I’m currently migrating all of my configurations to home.nix by using home-manager since it’s easily reproduce-able and I can have everything in the same format and place.

My config is mainly:

  • Packages to install
  • Shell aliases
  • Various dotfiles
  • Overlays to further customize packages

My Desktop

My session applications

These are applications that run together with Xmonad to make up my personalised Desktop Environment.

  • Mouse gestures :fusuma
  • Compositioning for X11 :picom
  • Notification daemon :dunst
  • Simple system tray :trayer
  • Network Manager applet for tray :nm-applet


  • Browser: Firefox, Qutebrowser
  • Work Browser: Chrome
  • Development Browser: Devium
  • Terminal: alacritty
  • Terminal multiplexer: zellij
  • PDF Viewer: zathura
  • File manager: ranger

Global Key mappings

See xmonad.hs