
A TypeScript, Nodejs, and SASS project where you can find pieces of informations about your favorites Pokemóns.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React_Badge Npm_Badge TypeScript

Pokedex - A Pokemon Collection where you can find pieces of information (such as weight, stats and abilities) about your favorites Pokemóns.

Tecnologies   |    Tools   |    Running the application   |    How to contribute

Pokedex Application


FRONT-END (React + TypeScript)

  • Axios: HTTP client based on Promises to perform back-end requisitions
  • React Router Dom: router components for websites
  • Node Sass Chokidar: a wrapper around node-sass executable to use chokidar instead of Gaze when watching files.
  • Sass: 'Syntactically awesome style sheets' is an extension of CSS that enables you to use things like variables, nested rules, inline imports and more. It also helps to keep things organised and allows you to create style sheets faster (CSS with superpowers)
  • React Image Fallback: acomponent that allows one or more images to be used as fallback images in the event that the browser couldn't load the previous image
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase.
  • React Icons: famous icon fonts




Requirements: Git, Node.js, Editor (VSCode)

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jubrito/Pokemon.git

# Install the website dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the application in development mode
$ npm run start

Access http://localhost:3000 - (the application will open on the port :3000)


  • Fork the repository;
  • Access your Gihub page and clone locallu your fork;
  • Create a branch with the name of your feature: git chechout -b feature/myFeature;
  • Save your changes;
  • Commit your changes according to the commit conventions,
  • Push your changes with the name of the branch you created earlier: git push origin feature/myFeature;
  • Submit a pull request in the repository where the fork was created. After the merge your changes will be part of the project;
  • After the merge and pull request, your branch can be deleted.