
Commit message generator using What The Commit

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


What it does

Gets random commit messages from whatthecommit.com into your terminal window.

Type y to approve and commit with this message. Type n or press enter to generate another message. Cmd + c to stop.

Why do I need it?

You probably don't. Nothing beats writing your own commit messages.


  • git clone git@github.com:jucke/whatthecommitter.git
  • place wtc under /usr/local/bin directory
  • use chmod u+x wtc to make it executable
  • run it by typing wtc in the terminal


Run wtc to fetch a random message suggestion.

Type y to approve the message, it will run git commit -m with this message, i.e. git commit -m "I forgot to commit... So here you go." It doesn't stage files/execute any other git commands.

Type n (or just press Enter) to generate another commit message (doesn't do anything else, and doesn't run git commit until you approve a message).

Cmd+C to stop/quit.


MIT © Jucke