SSH Login Auditing


The purpose of this tool is, to collect ssh-logins over several Linux/Unix servers and show them in a nice web-gui. So in case of some investigation it's easier to detect patterns also over multiple servers. A further purpose is, to build an universal connector to some ssh-key-management tools, to resolve the used publickey at key-authentication to the correspondig human, organisation or whatever.


This tool is built on three layers.

  1. Syslog to collect all logins-logs on one single server and puts these collected logs into a database (using php pdo allows use to use nearly any sql database)
  2. Syslog clients and daemon
  3. Cronjob with bash- and php-script
  4. A backend, which serves the data in json format for any HTTP-GET requests (REST-like)
  5. mysql server
  6. php script
  7. A web frontend, which gets the data, shows them and allows us sorting and filtering the data
  8. jquery website