
Kubernetes ClusterSecret operator.

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Kubernetes ClusterSecret


Global inter-namespace cluster secrets - Secrets that work across namespaces - Clusterwide secrets

ClusterSecret operator makes sure all the matching namespaces have the secret available. New namespaces, if they match the pattern, will also have the secret. Any change on the ClusterSecret will update all related secrets. Deleting the ClusterSecret deletes "child" secrets (all cloned secrets) too.

Full documentation available at https://clustersecret.io

Clustersecret diagram

Here is how it looks like:

Kind: ClusterSecret
apiVersion: clustersecret.io/v1
  namespace: clustersecret
  name: default-wildcard-certifiate
  - prefix_ns-*
  - anothernamespace
  - supersecret-ns
  tls.crt: BASE64
  tls.key: BASE64

Use cases.

Use it for certificates, registry pulling credentials and so on.

when you need a secret in more than one namespace. you have to:

1- Get the secret from the origin namespace. 2- Edit the the secret with the new namespace. 3- Re-create the new secret in the new namespace.

This could be done with one command:

kubectl get secret <secret-name> -n <source-namespace> -o yaml \
| sed s/"namespace: <source-namespace>"/"namespace: <destination-namespace>"/\
| kubectl apply -n <destination-namespace> -f -

Clustersecrets automates this. It keep track of any modification in your secret and it will also react to new namespaces.



Current version 0.0.7 is tested for Kubernetes >= 1.19 up to 1.25

For older kubernes (<1.19) use the image tag "0.0.6" in yaml/02_deployment.yaml

tl;dr install

kubectl apply -f ./yaml

quick start:

create a ClusterSecret object yaml like the one above, or in the example in yaml/Object_example/obj.yaml and apply it in your cluster kubectl apply -f yaml/Object_example/obj.yaml

The ClusterSecret operator will pick it up and will create the secret in every matching namespace: match matchNamespace but not matching avoidNamespaces RegExp's.

You can specify multiple matching or non-matching RegExp. By default it will match all, same as defining matchNamespace = *

Get the clustersecrets

$> kubectl get csec -n clustersecret
NAME            TYPE

Minimal example

apiVersion: clustersecret.io/v1
kind: ClusterSecret
  name: global-secret
  namespace: my-fav-namespce
  username: MTIzNDU2Cg==
  password: Nzg5MTAxMTIxMgo=


latest = 0.0.7


0.0.7 digest: sha256:c8dffeefbd3c8c54af67be81cd769e3c18263920729946b75f098065318eddb1 0.0.7_arm32: digest: sha256:ffac630417bd090c958c9facf50a31ba54e0b18c89ef52d8eec5c1326a5f20ad


Tag 0.0.8:

  • [] implement source to specify a source secret to sync instead of data field. (zakkg3#3)


If you need support, start with the troubleshooting guide: Run it in debug mode. You can open issues and we will try to address them.

That said, if you have questions, or just want to establish contact, reach out one way or another. https://flag5.com || nico at flag5.com