ReadMe Generator


This application is a tool that will quickly generate a ReadMe template with a license badge given the user's text inputs.

Table of Contents

Installation and Usage

Walkthrough video (02:26)

ReadMe Generator Demo Video Click thumbnail above to be redirected to YouTube.

Installation steps

  1. Download the files in this repository.
  2. Open the folder in VS Code.
  3. Run terminal in VS Code (Terminal > New Terminal).
  4. Make sure your terminal is targeting the current directory, and then run "npm install".

Usage steps

  1. Run your terminal and make sure it is targeting the current directory.
  2. Run "node index.js"
  3. Answer the subsequent prompts in the terminal.
  4. A new file called "" is created, containing your new ReadMe!


License: MIT


If you would like to contribute to this project, please add me on GitHub.


Please reach out Jude Clark at