Generate a complete GDS chip from LEF/DEF files.
Version: 0.1
- Import GDS cells
- Convert LEF/DEF to GDS
- Generate PTLs
The following packages is required to successfully compile and execute chipForge.
apt install build-essencials # for compiling
# Current directory: chipForge root
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Examples of how to execute chipForge:
./chipForge -g lefExample.lef defExample.def -o gdsOutput.gds
./chipForge -c tomlExample.toml
Routing connection to the pin must be a PTL on layer M3 with M2 and M4 as shielding groundplanes.
M0 - 1 -- shield M1 - 10 -- track M2 - 20 -- shield M3 - 30 -- track M4 - 40 -- shield
For IARPA contract SuperTools
LEF: Library Exchange Format
PTL: Passive Transmission Line