
A full-stack web app built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la bit.ly).

Primary LanguageEJS


A full stack web app built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la bit.ly).

Assignment for [Lighthouse Labs] (https://www.lighthouselabs.ca/)

Final Product

"Register page" "My URLs page"


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • EJS
  • bcrypt
  • body-parser
  • cookie-session

Getting Started

  • Install all dependencies (using the npm install command).
  • Run the development web server using the node express_server.js command.

Display Requirements

Site Header:

  • if a user is logged in, the header shows:

    • the user's email
    • a logout button which makes a POST request to /logout
  • if a user is not logged in, the header shows:

    • a link to the login page (/login)
    • a link to the registration page (/register)

Behaviour Requirements


  • if user is logged in:
    • (Minor) redirect to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • (Minor) redirect to /login

GET /urls

  • if user is logged in:
    • returns HTML with:
    • the site header (see Display Requirements above)
    • a list (or table) of URLs the user has created, each list item containing:
      • a short URL
      • the short URL's matching long URL
      • an edit button which makes a GET request to /urls/:id
      • a delete button which makes a POST request to /urls/:id/delete
      • (Stretch) the date the short URL was created
      • (Stretch) the number of times the short URL was visited
      • (Stretch) the number number of unique visits for the short URL
      • (Minor) a link to "Create a New Short Link" which makes a GET request to /urls/new
  • if user is not logged in:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message

GET /urls/new

  • if user is logged in:
    • returns HTML with:
    • the site header (see Display Requirements above)
    • a form which contains:
      • a text input field for the original (long) URL
      • a submit button which makes a POST request to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • redirects to the /login page

GET /urls/:id

  • if user is logged in and owns the URL for the given ID:
    • returns HTML with:
    • the site header (see Display Requirements above)
    • the short URL (for the given ID)
    • a form which contains:
      • the corresponding long URL
      • an update button which makes a POST request to /urls/:id
    • (Stretch) the date the short URL was created
    • (Stretch) the number of times the short URL was visited
    • (Stretch) the number of unique visits for the short URL
  • if a URL for the given ID does not exist:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • if user is not logged in:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • if user is logged it but does not own the URL with the given ID:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message

GET /u/:id

  • if URL for the given ID exists:
    • redirects to the corresponding long URL
  • if URL for the given ID does not exist:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message

POST /urls

  • if user is logged in:
    • generates a short URL, saves it, and associates it with the user
    • redirects to /urls/:id, where :id matches the ID of the newly saved URL
  • if user is not logged in:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message

POST /urls/:id

  • if user is logged in and owns the URL for the given ID:
    • updates the URL
    • redirects to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • if user is logged it but does not own the URL for the given ID:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message

POST /urls/:id/delete

  • if user is logged in and owns the URL for the given ID:
    • deletes the URL
    • redirects to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • if user is logged it but does not own the URL for the given ID:
    • (Minor) returns HTML with a relevant error message

GET /login

  • if user is logged in:
    • (Minor) redirects to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • returns HTML with:
    • a form which contains:
    • input fields for email and password
    • submit button that makes a POST request to /login

GET /register

  • if user is logged in:
    • (Minor) redirects to /urls
  • if user is not logged in:
    • returns HTML with:
    • a form which contains:
    • input fields for email and password
    • a register button that makes a POST request to /register

POST /login

  • if email and password params match an existing user:
    • sets a cookie
    • redirects to /urls
  • if email and password params don't match an existing user:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message

POST /register

  • if email or password are empty:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • if email already exists:
    • returns HTML with a relevant error message
  • otherwise:
    • creates a new user
    • encrypts the new user's password with bcrypt
    • sets a cookie
    • redirects to /urls

POST /logout

  • deletes cookie
  • redirects to /urls