
Gamification platform for the vegan/vegetarian movement (frontend)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Veganaut Frontend

This is the frontend of Veganaut: a gamified platform (website and phonegap app) helping the international vegan/vegetarian movement to grow faster, be more effective and include a more diverse range of people.

Getting Started

To run Veganaut, you'll need to install nodejs and mongodb. On a Mac, the easiest way to do so is brew install node mongdb.

After that checkout veganaut and veganaut-backend:

git clone https://github.com/veganaut/veganaut.git
git clone https://github.com/veganaut/veganaut-backend.git

Install the dependencies using npm and let the post install script create a config file for the backend in veganaut-backend/app/config.js:

(cd veganaut; npm install)
(cd veganaut-backend; npm install)

Load the fixtures:

cd veganaut-backend; node ./test/fixtures/basic.js

Start all the things:

cd veganaut; ./scripts/run-all.sh

This will do the following:

  • Start MongoDB if it isn't already started
  • Run gulp dev which creates the index.html file from index.ejs and compiles the less files
    • Note that at the moment there is no gulp watch task, so if you change index.ejs or any of the less files, you have to run ./node_modules/.bin/gulp dev manually. If you use PHP/WebStorm, there is also a file watcher that recompiles the less files.
  • Start the frontend web server: http://localhost:8000/
  • Start the backend. Supervisor will automatically restart the backend when the code is edited.
  • Start the backend e2e bridge (needed for the e2e tests)
  • Start Karma: http://localhost:9876/

Finally, go to http://localhost:8000/ and login as foo@bar.baz with password foobar.

Code Quality Tools

This repo comes with a git-commit hook to run jshint prior to commits. To enable it, use the following commands after cloning.

(cd veganaut-backend/.git/ && rm -r hooks/ && ln -s ../git_hooks hooks)
(cd veganaut/.git/ && rm -r hooks/ && ln -s ../git_hooks hooks)

You can also run JSHint like this:

(cd veganaut; ./node_modules/.bin/jshint .)
(cd veganaut-backend; ./node_modules/.bin/jshint .)

Running Tests

To run all the tests execute:

cd veganaut; ./scripts/test-all.sh

Full End-to-End Tests

The backend has a secondary server running so that the frontend can tell it which fixtures to load. By default the tests use Chromium (or Chrome). You can change this in config/protractor.conf.js

The tests use protractor which uses Selenium. All of these dependencies are installed when you run npm install.

Protractor is run like this:

cd veganaut; ./node_modules/.bin/protractor config/protractor.conf.js

Backend Tests

Backend integration (end-to-end) tests:

cd veganaut-backend; ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node --captureExceptions --verbose test/e2e/

Backend unit tests:

cd veganaut-backend; ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node --captureExceptions --verbose test/models/

Frontend Tests

The frontend unit tests use Karma which is automatically started by the ./scripts/run-all.sh script. Run the tests by accessing http://localhost:9876/ with a browser. Karma will automatically rerun all your tests if you change the code.