
This is a conference scheduling application built with plain Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

The design

  • The conference will have only two parallel tracks.

  • The morning session for both tracks begins at 9 AM.

  • Lunch begins at 12 noon so talks should end by noon.

  • After lunch session begins at 1 PM.

  • The session cannot go after 5 PM.

  • You can assume that when one talk ends then immediately the second talk starts and there is no break or loss of time.

  • There are lightning talks which is of 5 minutes.

  • All the lightning talks must happen sequentially one after another without having any "non-lighting talks" in between. It means once a lightning talk has started then it will be followed up by another lightning talk and so on until all the lightning talks are done.

  • This is a one day conference.

  • Your attempt should be to try to fit as many talks as you can. If you are not able to fit some of the talks then print the list of talks that did not fit so that their speakers can be notified.

Sample Output

Track 1
09:00 AM Heroku: A year in review 30 min
09:30 AM Microservices, a bittersweet symphony 45 min
10:15 AM Implementing a strong code review culture 60 min

Track 2
09:00 AM Test Driving your Rails Infrastucture with Chef 60 min