- Creation of exercise series with template code and assertions
- Support for Typescript and Javascript
- Automatic verification of user solution and instant feedback
- Exercise search
- Authentication
git clone
Create Data directory
mkdir -p /data/db
Ensure that the user account running mongod has read and write permissions for the directory.
Test, if db is running:
Add text index (for search) and sample data:
Start mongodb, if not already started:
In a different terminal: Move to the project home (location of the cloned repo):
cd <path_to_cloned_project>/koans
Import sample data:
mongoimport --db koans --collection topics app-node/sample-data/topics.bson
Add textindex for search:
mongo --eval "db.getSiblingDB('koans').topics.createIndex({title: 'text', 'items.title': 'text','items.description': 'text'})"
Install Node.js (This will also install npm).
Move to the project home (location of the cloned repo):
cd <path_to_cloned_project>/koans
Run npm install
to install all dependencies. (npm, patched libraries)
Make sure mongodb is running:
Run npm start
to start application (in a different terminal)
Open browser with [http://localhost:3000] (http://localhost:3000)
- Use the latest Webstorm 11.0 or higher
- Make sure the appropriate typescript compiler is used >= 1.6.2: Preferences/Languages & Frameworks/Typescript
- Compiler version (2.5 (bundeled)
- Use tsconfig.json
Only if you need to drop the db for any reason use:
Make sure db is started:
(in a different terminal)
mongo koans --eval "db.dropDatabase()"