
masukomi's collection of configuration files, and common scripts.

Primary LanguageVimL

What's this?

These are all my configuration files, and common scripts. Keeping them in git provides me with an easy way to keep all the computers I work on functioning in the same manner.

So what's here?

.js # for the ~/.js Chrome plugin
This repo contains a collection of (primarily) hidden files.
.ssh # config only. no keys. Duh.
.vim # all the good stuff lives here
.vimrc # lots here too
bin # a handful of scripts I like to keep in my path

  • css_image # converts a binary image to Base64 encoded inline css
  • formd a markdown formatting tool
  • ftags.sh creates ctags for file names. Utilized via my FuzzyFinder plugin in Vim.
  • git-wtf a great tool for keeping your git repo in sync
  • TTYtter a command line twitter client written in perl. For when you're feeling ... something.

Library/KeyBindings/ # I forget what I've shoved in this.