
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recipe Site Pseudo Code:


-MERN stack -when I come to a landing page i see information about the site and have an option to sign in/log in -when I click on a recipe tag I can see recipes -I can favorite a recipe -I can click on a recipe to view more details -recipes can have tags to be added to categories -find a recipe api to add data to a non user recipe tab -I can search out side recipes and user created recipes -when I see a recipe it includes a picture -a search for a recipe returns many recipes -use firebase to as our database -we can comments to a recipe created by a user -when a recipe is favorited it increments a counter next to the favorite feature -featured/random recipe -sign up/ login model



-ordering recipes by favorites, date created, types/tags -counter that shows the number of user created recipes day? Week? Month?