
NoSQLite, simple JSON flat file based database engine. Insert, Update, Delete, Find, Group and Count any items with mongo queries taste. Featured with lock support, for concurrent / multithread usage.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


NoSQLite, simple JSON flat file based database engine. Insert, Update, Delete, Find, Group and Count any items with mongo queries taste. Featured with lock support, for concurrent / multithread usage.

Introduction Init Module

import jongos

db = jongos.jongos()

Load JSON file


Show current loaded db stats


Refresh current loaded JSON file


Save current in-memory db into current loaded JSON file


Insert new record


Delete record


Update record with partial information

db.update(query, {'$set': json_item})

Update record with all new information

db.update(query, json_item)

Find a rows


Count a rows that match query


Group a rows with a field key:


Sort a rows with a field key:


Get all results from the queries:


Save the results as JSON file


Query JSON structure examples:

[ {"id":1, "name": "One", "title": "Mr", "email": "one@mailinator.com", "score": {"math": 80, "science": 80} }, {"id":2, "name": "Two", "title": "Mrs", "email": "two@mailinator.com", "score": {"math": 60, "science": 70}}, {"id":3, "name": "Three", "title": "Ms", "email": "three@mailinator.com", "score": {"math": 75, "science": 90}}, {"id":4, "name": "Four", "title": "Mrs", "email": "five@mailinator.com", "score": {"math": 60, "science": 30}}, {"id":5, "name": "Five", "title": "Mrs", "email": "fivefour@mailinator.com", "score": {"math": 70, "science": 60}} ]

Match Exact, Except, Like and LikeAnd? Filter all item with Mrs title : query = {"title": "Mrs"}

Filter all item with title except Ms : query = {"title": {"$ne":"Ms"}}

Filter all item like 'five' in email : query = {"email": {"$like":"five"}}

Filter all item like 'five' or 'four' in email : query = {"email": {"$likes":["five","four]}}

Filter all item like 'five' and 'four' in email : query = {"email": {"$likesAnd":["five","four]}}

Greater and Lower than Filter all math score greater than 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$gt":60}}

Filter all math score lower than 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$lt":60}}

Filter all math score greater than equal 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$gte":60}}

Filter all math score lower than equal 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$lte":60}}

Include and No Include Filter all math score in 60 and 70: query = {"score.math": {"$in":[60,70]}}

Filter all math score not in 60 and 70 : query = {"score.math": {"$nin":[60,70]}}