NoSQLite, simple JSON flat file based database engine. Insert, Update, Delete, Find, Group and Count any items with mongo queries taste. Featured with lock support, for concurrent / multithread usage.
Introduction Init Module
import jongos
db = jongos.jongos()
Load JSON file
Show current loaded db stats
Refresh current loaded JSON file
Save current in-memory db into current loaded JSON file
Insert new record
Delete record
Update record with partial information
db.update(query, {'$set': json_item})
Update record with all new information
db.update(query, json_item)
Find a rows
Count a rows that match query
Group a rows with a field key:
Sort a rows with a field key:
Get all results from the queries:
Save the results as JSON file
Query JSON structure examples:
[ {"id":1, "name": "One", "title": "Mr", "email": "", "score": {"math": 80, "science": 80} }, {"id":2, "name": "Two", "title": "Mrs", "email": "", "score": {"math": 60, "science": 70}}, {"id":3, "name": "Three", "title": "Ms", "email": "", "score": {"math": 75, "science": 90}}, {"id":4, "name": "Four", "title": "Mrs", "email": "", "score": {"math": 60, "science": 30}}, {"id":5, "name": "Five", "title": "Mrs", "email": "", "score": {"math": 70, "science": 60}} ]
Match Exact, Except, Like and LikeAnd? Filter all item with Mrs title : query = {"title": "Mrs"}
Filter all item with title except Ms : query = {"title": {"$ne":"Ms"}}
Filter all item like 'five' in email : query = {"email": {"$like":"five"}}
Filter all item like 'five' or 'four' in email : query = {"email": {"$likes":["five","four]}}
Filter all item like 'five' and 'four' in email : query = {"email": {"$likesAnd":["five","four]}}
Greater and Lower than Filter all math score greater than 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$gt":60}}
Filter all math score lower than 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$lt":60}}
Filter all math score greater than equal 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$gte":60}}
Filter all math score lower than equal 60 : query = {"score.math": {"$lte":60}}
Include and No Include Filter all math score in 60 and 70: query = {"score.math": {"$in":[60,70]}}
Filter all math score not in 60 and 70 : query = {"score.math": {"$nin":[60,70]}}