
**Doggodit **

kinda socialmedia for dog owners and everyone elese who likes dogs.

Add favourites breeds to your profile, create a post to feed and allow registered users to comment it.

**Models: **

User { username: {type:String, reqired: true, unique:true} email: {type:String, reqired: true, unique:true} password:{type:String, reqired: true} profileImage: {type:String} posts: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Post"}] interactions: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Comment"}]* }

Post { tag: {type:String, reqired: true, enum: [question, showing off, just sharing, help]} text: {type:String, reqired: true} postImage: { {type:String} dogBreed: Number createdBy: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User"} { comments: [ { text: string, user: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User"} } ] } timestamps {

} }

**User Stories **

For Anon:

homepage - can see the feed, can log in or register, can see the random dog and check the dog list, can't perform any other actions

signup - can access the signup form

doglist - can see all the dogs from API

For User:

homepage- can see the feed, create a comment, random dog, their profile

doglist - can see all the dogs from API a nd add them to favs

doglist/:dogId - can see info about the dog, can add them to favs, can come back to the previous page

user/edit- edit profile, also can delete account there

user/favs - list with favs dogs, can delete from there

user/posts - list of created posts, can edit and delete user/posts/:postId - edit a post form

user/interactions - list of posts the user interacted with*