
calculate Lottery Effect in American Market & Build a simple backtest system to see factor performances

Primary LanguagePython

Back Test Lottery Effect In Stock Market

Calculate Lottery Effect in American Market & Build a simple backtest system to see factor performances

The trading strategy constructed in a relative term, that is, we long the stock with the factor value within top x% of whole data and short the last 5%, construct a zero-investment portfolio

File Descriptions:


analysis the extreme return factor, explain the possible logic base on prospect theory, present its performance analysis  


A. Simple Back Test System: 
three files in total. use the BackTestFrame.py to got the combined result   
  a. BackTest.py:    
      define class object back_test  
      initial: return, closeprice, factor三张表(横轴为公司序列,纵轴为时间timestamp)  
      functions: i. get trading candidates(the stock number)(see trading_candidate.csv to get a sample output)  
                ii. get the return yields   
  b. Performance.py  
      define class object performance  
      initial: the data from BackTest.py(a backtest variable)  
      returns: 1. get data performance (InformationRatio, Maxdrawdown, turnover, annualize yields)  
               2. (by choice) use the function yield_plot to get the plot of accumulated yield (***already set up the title&format***)  
  c. BackTestFrame.py  
    load the data used in backtest(make adjustments to the format of the data)  
    use functions in BackTest.py & Performance.py to get the backtest result  

    also, we define sharp ratio in this part(we didn't included it in the Performance.py because we need the data of risk free rate)  
B. Output & Performance of the factor:   
     The related data of comps' financials  
     fm_regression.csv: factor data needed in fama-macbeth regression   
     trading_candidate(sample): the trading candidates data from backtest.py   


 analysize the data in statistcal methods,save the performance in .csv  
 since the performace result deviated in two periods (2005-2015 & 2015-2018), so we divided the data into 3 files: 2005-2018, 2005-2015, 2015-2018, record the result in each file  
 a. simple_sort.csv:decile sorting (one variable)  
 b. Mon_BM, Mon_EP, Mon_Illiq, Mon_IVol, Mon_SizeAll: bivarite sortings  
 c. alpha_beta.csv: alpha, beta & t values from fama-macbeth returns  
 d. fm_regression_result:fama-macbeth regression results  


 a. MAX_ts: MAX(The final factor we choice)time-serious curve of its value  
 b. Factor%i_tradingRatio=%n: the backtest accumulated yield curve at different trading rate