
PHP SDK for Fakturoid API

Primary LanguagePHP

Fakturoid API v2 SDK

Provides a simplified access to the Fakturoid API.



  1. Add the SDK repository and package to your composer.json:
    // ...
    "repositories": [
        // ...
        { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/jahudka/fakturoid-sdk" }
        // ...
    "require": {
        // ...
        "jahudka/fakturoid-sdk": "dev-master"
        // ...
    // ...
  1. Run composer update in your project directory

Without Composer

  1. Download the latest SDK PHAR archive here: https://github.com/jahudka/fakturoid-sdk/releases

  2. Unpack the archive wherever you wish and load like this:


require '/path/to/fakturoid-sdk.phar';


Create a client:

$api = Jahudka\FakturoidSDK\Client::create($email, $apiToken, $slug, $userAgent);

// or construct the instance yourself:
$httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$api = new Jahudka\FakturoidSDK\Client($httpClient, $email, $apiToken, $slug, $userAgent);

The SDK covers all the currently available API endpoints as specified in the API docs (http://docs.fakturoid.apiary.io/). The endpoints are available through properties on the Client instance, for example the Invoices endpoint is available as $api->invoices. The properties are named the same as the API endpoints they access.

Data from the API is always returned wrapped in an appropriate entity object. The entity objects have the same properties as their respective endpoints, except that property names are camelCase instead of pascal_case.


Fakturoid recommends that API clients leverage common HTTP caching mechanisms in order to speed up client apps and save bandwidth. This is very easy to do with the FakturoidSDK because you can simply install any caching middleware of your choice in the SDK's instance of GuzzleHttp\Client. See for example https://github.com/Kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware.

Traversing the API

Reading list endpoints is easy using the SDK: the endpoint property itself is an iterator aggregate, meaning that in the simplest case when you want to read all the entries of a given endpoint you can just directly use the endpoint in a foreach loop, for example:


foreach ($api->invoices as $invoice) {
    // $invoice is an instance of Jahudka\FakturoidSDK\Entity\Invoice
    // Data can be accessed either through properties...
    echo $invoice->number;
    $invoice->number = '2016-123';
    // ... or through getters and setters.
    echo $invoice->getNumber();

The endpoint iterator of course supports all the filtering and searching options that the API supports, as well as SQL-style limiting, for example:


$invoices = $api->invoices
    ->setOption('status', 'open');

foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
    echo $invoice->number . "\n";
    // ...

// limiting can be done by calling the getIterator() method manually
// and supplying the optional $offset and $limit arguments like this:
foreach ($api->invoices->getIterator(100, 100) as $invoice) {
    // do something with invoices #100 - #199

Getting, creating, updating and deleting entries


// Getting entries is simple:
$invoice = $api->invoices->get(981);
echo $invoice->getNumber();

// Creating new entries can be done
// using the endpoint's create() method:
$data = [
    'name' => 'Josef Novak',
    'street' => 'Dlouha 123',
    'city' => 'Nove Mesto',
    'zip' => '123 45',
    'country' => 'CZ',
    'registration_no' => '123456789',

$subject = $api->subjects->create($data);
echo $subject->getId();

// Or you can manually create the entity
// and use the endpoint's save() method:
$subject = new Jahudka\FakturoidSDK\Entity\Subject();

$subject->setName('Josef Novak');
// ...


// The entity object is updated by the data returned
// from the server, so this still works:
echo $subject->getId();

// The save() method is useful for updating existing
// entries, either entities you previously loaded from
// the API somehow or even entities you constructed by hand:
$pepa = new Jahudka\FakturoidSDK\Entity\Subject();
$pepa->setPhone('+420 123 456 789');


// Same as before, the entity object is not only
// saved, but also updated using the data
// returned from the server:
echo $pepa->getBankAccount();

// Deleting entries can be done using the delete() method:

// You can pass in just the ID: