OCaml library allowing interaction with systemd and journald
open Journald
let () = journal_send_message Priority.INFO "Hello";
(* compile and link its compilation units with option -g to get CODE_FILE and CODE_LINE entries*)
journal_send_message_loc Priority.INFO "Hello with location";
(* compile and link its compilation units with option -g *)
journal_send ["CUSTOM_FIELD", "CUSTOM_VALUE"];
journal_send_loc ["CUSTOM_FIELD", "CUSTOM_VALUE with location"];
To get callstack info (required for the implicit
entries) you need to build your
compilation units with
debugging information.
Getting the callstack at runtime also results in an performance overhead, so there a 2 groups of journal functions:
val journal_send_message_loc : Priority.t -> string -> unit
val journal_send_loc : (string * string) list -> unit
val journal_send : (string * string) list -> unit
val journal_send_message : Priority.t -> string -> unit
No need for forking the process, binding/listening the sockets.
Also support for systemd watchdog functionality.
open Daemon
open Daemon.State
open Lwt
open Lwt_unix
open Journald
let echo_server conn_fd =
let in_channel = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.input conn_fd in
let out_channel = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.output conn_fd in
finalize (fun () -> Lwt_stream.iter_s (Lwt_io.write_line out_channel) (Lwt_io.read_lines in_channel))
(fun () -> close conn_fd)
let rec accept fd =
Lwt_unix.accept (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr fd)
>>= (fun (conn_fd, _) ->
async (fun _ -> echo_server conn_fd);
accept fd)
let _ =
(* Notify systemd software watchdog every second *)
Lwt_engine.on_timer 1.0 true (fun _ -> notify Watchdog|>ignore);
notify Ready |> ignore;
match listen_fds () with
| [] -> journal_send_message Priority.CRIT "No file descriptors passed by the system manager"
| fd::_ -> journal_send_message Priority.INFO "socket activation succeded";
accept fd |> Lwt_main.run