
This is a note vault created to backup notes generated by obsidian


This is a note vault created to backup notes generated by obsidian.

1. Setup

$ git clone https://github.com/LittleD3092/My-Vault.git

Then use obsidian to open the folder as a vault.

Be aware that the attachments have great size, it is recommended that you use Git LFS to speed cloning process.

2. Git LFS

This repository uses git lfs to manage files in /附件. It is recommended that git lfs is installed. See git lfs installation - github for installation.

2.1 Clone without Attachments

To clone this repository without attachments (pictures, videos, pdfs)

GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone https://github.com/LittleD3092/My-Vault.git

clone git repository without lfs files - stackoverflow

2.2 Pull Attachments Missing

To pull attachments missing, use git lfs pull --include="" to pull single file, or simply use git lfs pull to pull all missing attachments

git lfs pull --include=filename