
Password scrambler - small util to make your easy passwords complicated!

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Password scrambler

Fork password_scrambler.

Small utility to generate complicated passwords.


  • You get more secure password- long, not from dictionary, etc i.e 'txork9Zfa8yXc_lMbb1LCHPZIH7wE1'

  • Yet, you don't have to remeber it - you must remember only your easy password and document that you used as a generation base

  • You may reuse the easy password and the base file - still, for different login@domain you will get a totally new long password

  • It is not saving your complicated password anywhere, so nobody can steal it and decrypt - it generates it by hasing function and you just need to copy it and login where you want

  • Open source, written in rust - nothing is hidden under the hood, everyone can review it before using and make custom changes in code

How it works

Password scrambler will generate the same passwords on content of base file and master password.

You can specify password length, file and symbols on alias:

alias passcrambler=passcrambler -f ~/.file -L 20 -s '_$'

All files should be generate with the same options. This needed only for remmembering.


passcrambler: v.0.1.0

  passcrambler [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help            Prints help information
  -c, --clip            Copy the generated password into the clipboard instead of displaying

  -f, --file FILE       File for seeding password, REQUIRED
  -l, --login LOGIN     Login data for password, REQUIRED
  -L, --length 30       Length of the password, default=30
  -s, --symbols '_&#'   Symbols for using in password, default='_-&#*^%$@!~'


❯ passcrambler --file Cargo.toml --login denis@google
Type password: _12345_


You can download binary distribution from Release page

or you can install with cargo:

cargo install --git https://github.com/juev/passcrambler --branch main

Typical scenario

  • I need to generate a new password i.e. for my e-mail

  • I have to prepare 2 things : an easy password, that I will remember and some document, that I have to keep safe without changes

  • I deploy password scrambler giving as an input my login and a document

  • I am prompted for the easy password, so I type it

  • I copy generated password and change it in my e-mail service

  • Wherever I need to re-login I just deploy scrambler with same parameters, and it will regenerate the same hash