
My own take on the solution for the final assignment on the Getting and Cleaning data course

Primary LanguageR

Code and results file from the final assignment on the Getting and Cleaning Data course

Steps to generate the final tidy_data.txt:

1- Download the files containing the raw data from: https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip

2- Unzip the file in the same folder as your run_analysis.R code.

3- Run the code un run_analysis.R code

4- The tidy_data.txt file will be written in the same folder as your run_analysis.R script

Description of the run_analysis.R

1- Merges the training and test sets into a single dataset 2- Extract the mean and standard deviation measurement for each variable in the dataset 3- Incorporate descriptive names to the acitivities being measured 4- Pivots the columns to create a long skinny table and parses the variable names into multiple columns for each type of variable measured 5- Generates a tidy dataset that summarizes the cleaned up data.