Linear regression performs the task to predict a dependent variable value (y) based on a given independent variable (x). So, this regression technique finds out a linear relationship between x (input) and y(output). Hence, the name is Linear Regression. If we plot the independent variable (x) on the x-axis and dependent variable (y) on the y-axis, linear regression gives us a straight line that best fits the data points,
Linear Regression is a machine learning algorithm based on supervised learning. ... Linear regression performs the task to predict a dependent variable value (y) based on a given independent variable (x). So, this regression technique finds out a linear relationship between x (input) and y(output).
In our project, we have implemented Linear Regression Algorithm in Python and created a GUI using Tkinter. It basically consists of 2 parts : Plotting a straight line on linear regression graph Updation in dataset given So on clicking the ‘regression’ button, we get the graph corresponding to all the sentiment subjectivity (Y) and sentiment polarity (X). From the graph, for our given value of X we get the value of Y This is analysis of the dataset present in the shared folder. The second feature is that we can update our dataset using this GUI. On clicking the ‘update’ button, we need to enter ‘app name’ and ‘review’ as text inputs, choose our sentiment from positive, negative or neutral and input polarity and subjectivity sentiment values. Constraints : -Sentiment values should range between -1 to 1 -Decimals are allowed -If chosen ‘neutral’, enter sentiment values as 0