
Cross-platform "overflow: auto" to scroll a vertical large content on desktop or mobile devices. Has a thumb and top/bottom shadow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Cross-platform "overflow: auto" to scroll a vertical large content on desktop or mobile devices. Has a thumb and top/bottom shadow.

#Supports (auto detect platform):

  • devices with touch events
    • native scrolling + "onscroll" events (Android 4.x, WindowsPhone, iOS)
    • or scrolling on "touchstart/touchmove/touchend" events (iOS, Android 2.x)
  • devices without touch events
    • native scrolling with native thumb
    • or scrolling on "mousedown/mousemove/mouseend" events


  • Desktop browsers
  • Android
  • iOS
  • WindowsPhone

Scrolling content can consist any DOM elements with own click events.

Required jQuery 1.7.1 and later.

Demo http://juliarechkunova.github.com/smart-overflow/