
This library is created to ease the pain of matching nested data structures.

Primary LanguageClojure

Matchers for clojure collections. This library is created to ease the pain of matching nested data structures.

Beef (=why)

A test like this written with clojure.test

(deftest my-test (is (= {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny" :last-name "Smith"})))

will produce following output:

FAIL in (my-test) (form-init7375693162901327698.clj:1)
expected: (= {:first-name "John", :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny", :last-name "Smith"})
  actual: (not (= {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "John"} {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "Johnny"}))

With complex and possibly nested data structures it is hard to read what was actually wrong. With matcher like this

(deftest my-test-with-matcher (is (equal? {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny" :last-name "Smith"})))

you get following output:

FAIL in (my-test-with-matcher) (form-init7128815568440584833.clj:1)

-- missing:
{:first-name "Johnny"}
++ unexpected:
{:first-name "John"}
expected: {:first-name "Johnny", :last-name "Smith"}
  actual: {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "John"}

From the output it is easier to check what field was missing or what field had incorrect value.


Add the following to your project.clj :dependencies:

[clj-containment-matchers "1.0.1"]


(require [clj-containment-matchers.clojure-test :refer :all])

Check whether two items contain exactly the same values

(is (equal? actual expected)

(is (not-equal? actual expected)

Ignore some field from the match (e.g. timestamp)

(is (equal? {:name "John" :timestamp 219898989} {:name "John" :timestamp anything})

anything is a function that clj-containment-matchers provide but you can use any Clojure function like this:

(is (equal? {:name "John" :age 21} {:name "John" :age number?})


The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by Eclipse LicensedPublic License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)