
  • Goal: Easily write concepts of courses with a text editor
  • Solution: Markdown to json script





See for an example markdown file

Turn it into json:

node toJSON.js

Note: Please update these variables from toJSON.js according to your files!

const WORKSPACE_NAME = 'menetelmätieteet'
const INPUT_FILE = ''
const OUTPUT_FILE = 'output.json'

See output_sample.json for example json

To Markdown

You can turn existing json into markdown:

node toMarkdown.js

Again: update filename variables in toMarkdown.js

Import in application

Use the import feature to use your json in the concepts app


These scripts support only following information:

  • courses
  • course codes
  • concept names
  • concepts descriptions

Other information (prequisites etc) in the json is ignored.

Markdown format


  • Include a document header before first course header. For exaple # CS courses
  • Course header prefixed with '## ' (without the 's)
  • Course header includes the course code and course name splitted with ' - '
  • Concepts of the course given as a markdown list.
  • Each concept may have one line on description right below it. Indent with 2 spaces.
  • One empty line before and after concepts.
  • If there are no concepts, leave one empty line.