
Live demo of poc (only frontend)


More info in deployment repository

Features for application

  • Students can "vote" for prequisite topics for a course
    • Students can see list of courses available for voting
    • Students do not have to sign in to vote
  • Teachers can manage (crud + sort) topics for courses
    • no sign in, just a special link as auth
  • Students can add a topic for a course
  • Teachers ans students can see results for a course
  • Teachers can accept new topics (created by students)
    • Teachers see student-created topics in a different color in results
  • Teachers can reset votes
  • Teachers can add new courses


  • Votes are connected to target course topics

Extra 2

  • Optional: Students cannot see results before voting
    • Teachers can see results with a special link?
    • Students get a view-only link after voting
  • Optional: Light-weight sign in
    • Registering: press a button -> site generates a long hash username -> users needs to remember only that to sign in
    • Optional: save hash username to localstorage
    • Three levels
      • Students: View and vote
      • Teachers: Edit topics, add courses
      • Admins: Create teacher usernames

Extra 3

  • Self-assessment mode: Enable teacher get an understanding of students skill level at the beginning of a course


To run locally:

  • git clone
  • cd curriculum-mapper-poc
  • npm install
  • npm start


Here's a hacky way to deploy to github pages:

  • npm run build
  • cd build
  • git init
  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "Deploy"
  • git remote add gh-pages
  • git push --force gh-pages master