
Template for flask app in a container

Primary LanguagePython

Template for docker + flask

A helloworld flask app inside a docker container. Use this as a project template.


The application code is in the web folder:

  • app.py - application code
  • Dockerfile - build instruction for Docker
  • requirements.txt - dependencies for build

The project root has docker-compose.yml file that makes container management easier. It looks like this:

  build: ./web
   - "5001:5000"
   - ./web:/app

It defines a container with the name web and following configurations:

  1. Build the container with files from the web folder
build: ./web
  1. Forward container port 5000 to host port 5001
   - "5001:5000"`
  1. Set up a "live sync" (=mount) between container folder /app and source code folder ./web. Changes in source code will initiate a automatical rebuild of the container. This is handy in development but should never be used in production!
   - ./web:/app


Start the server:

docker-compose up

Add -d for detached mode.

docker-compose up -d

Attach to the container:

docker exec -i -t flaskdocker_web_1 bash