
Programming assignment for the ELI research institute

Primary LanguagePython

Registration site webapp

A project for the ELI Research Institute

Installation and running

  1. You need to have a rootless Docker installation on your machine. The Docker daemon should be run by your user.
  2. Change to the secrets folder, and run init_secrets.sh: as a command, cd secrets; ./init_secrets.sh.
  3. (optional) Create an ORCID sandbox API key and add the client key to secrets/environment.txt and the secrte key to secrets/registrationapp_orcid_client_secret.txt.
  4. Execute docker compose up in the root folder.
  5. Run migrations: docker compose exec registrationapp python manage.py migrate in the root folder.
  6. Create a superuser: docker compose exec registrationapp python manage.py createsuperuser in the root folder.

You can access the server on http://localhost:8000 and the maildev server on http://localhost:1080.