
Adds JIRA ticket id automatically to each commit

JIRA autotag Git commits

Adds JIRA ticket id automatically to each Git commit. After naming your branch according to corresponding JIRA ticket (e.g. features/ABC-123-example-branch) this hook automatically detects ticket id (ABC-123) and adds it automatically to each commit message (e.g. ABC-123 Initial commit). If the branch name doesn't contain ticket id (e.g. master), this hook doesn't modify original commit at all.

Step 1: Enable Git templates globally

git config --global init.templatedir "~/.git-templates"

Step 2: Create directory

mkdir -p ~/.git-templates/hooks

Step 3: Create file commit-msg with following content and save it inside ~/.git-templates/hooks/

# Automatically adds branch tag to every commit message.

BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
FILENAME=$(basename $BRANCH)

# This line copies tag from the branch name
TAG=$(echo "$FILENAME" | sed -n 's/\([A-Z]\{1,10\}-[0-9]\{1,10\}\).*/\1/p')

echo "$TAG"' '$(cat "$1") > "$1"

Step 4: Make sure commit-msg it executable.

chmod +x ~/.git-templates/hooks/commit-msg

Step 5: Initialize your existing Git repositories

git init