
Dythor - for running official Python Docker Images easily

Primary LanguageShell


Dythor is a utility script thingy to run different python versions easily using docker.

Use case is that to my experience, it's super hard to create good python environment in OS X. With dythor, you can just say:

$ dythor run 3.7 --version
Python 3.7.0
$ dythor run 2.7 --version
Python 2.7.15

This means that one can do for example this:

$ echo -e 'import sys\nprint("Holla! Running on:")\nprint(sys.version)' > script.py
$ cat script.py
import sys
print("Holla! Running on:")
$ dythor run 2.7 script.py
Holla! Running on:
2.7.15 (default, Jul 17 2018, 11:47:50)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516]
$ dythor run 3.7 script.py
Holla! Running on:
3.7.0 (default, Jul 17 2018, 11:04:33)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516]


Clone this repo and make a bin wrapper passing all arguments to dythor.sh. Something like following:

#! /bin/bash

~/code/dythor/dythor.sh $@


Use dythor list-remote to list available docker tags.

Use dythor run <TAG> just as you would use python command on your machine.

Use dythor shell <TAG> to open a shell to the container. This is now the way to install requirements and such.

Use dythor help to get some help.

Use dythor help COMMAND (like dythor help run) to get help on commmands.

$ dythor
usage: dythor <command>


	help 		 Show help
	list-local 	 List python versions locally available (i.e runs without fetch)
	list-remote 	 List available python versions
	run 		 Run python environment
	shell 		 Open shell to environment

Need binary named python?

Make an alias!

$ alias python="dythor run 2.7"
$ python --version
Python 2.7.15
$ alias python="dythor run 3.7"
$ python --version
Python 3.7.0

Or use .bash_profile or what ever is your poison.

What's missing?

  • Port binding for running services
  • Lifecycle of containers (nuke container and such)
  • Nicer documentation for scripts
  • pip dependencies
  • virtualenv?
  • Should use alpine images by default?
  • Lot's of stuff actually :P