
Example stack using serverless - SPA from S3 and backend via CloudFront

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless/Cloudfront Stub

This is an example project stub for serving static SPA site and serverless backend via Cloudfront.

                        -> Api Gateway -> Lambda
                      /  (api/*)
                      \  (/*)
                        -> S3 (static site assets)


Start backend in serverless offline mode

cd rocket-backend
npm install
serverless offline

Start frontend in separate shell

cd rocket-frontend
npm install
yarn start

Access the site via http://localhost:3000. Both, frontend and backend supports hot reloading of code.

Deploy to AWS account

  1. Acquire an AWS account
  2. Acquire AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (see using env)
  3. If you want own domain /w SSL, acquire SSL cert via Certificate Manager and pass domain name and SSL cert ARN to serverless.yml. Make sure to create SSL certificate to us-east-1! Certificates in other regions won't work with CloudFront.
  4. Deploy initial backend cd rocket-backend && serverless deploy. Provisioning of CloudFront will take time, at least 30 minutes. After that you might see temporary redirects to S3 bucket, but aften couple of hours, your bucket and CloudFront should be in sync -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38706424/aws-cloudfront-returns-http-307-when-origin-is-s3-bucket)
  5. Get your generated S3-bucket name using aws cli or console (something like: s3://understand-backend-dev-rocketsitebucket-492voir2vir2vi)
  6. Pass this to ci/deploy.sh or copy site dist to bucket directly using aws cli.
  7. Site should be accessible from CloudFront domain, see generated domain name from console. If you added your own domain, make an alias record from Route53 to CloudFront distribution.

Using env

Serverless is pretty tacky with AWS access keys, and you need keys in ENV. Serverless can only use access keys from .aws/credentials for DEFAULT profile.

Hence it's easier to do something like this.

Make rocket-env.sh to root of the repository (it's in gitignore)

#! /bin/bash


Don't EVER commit your access keys to the repository.