
Web scraper, Twitter bot, Flask API, Cloudflare avoider :D

Primary LanguagePython


Reporting the important things to the masses


Pirkkabot innocently scans K-Ruoka webstore for Pirkka III -beer's price daily. To combat ever changing CloudFlare and other bot blocking mechanisms used by K-Ruoka, Pirkkabot uses a combination of a managed distrubuted web scraper - ScrapeOps and BeautifulSoup to scrape and parse K-Ruoka page contents.

!! Currently out of order, TwitterAPI1 has been deprecated. TwitterAPI2 requires some OAuth stuff and I'm a bit lazy. API still works! !!

Technologies used

  • Python
  • Tweepy
  • SQLite3
  • BeautifulSoup :)
  • ScrapeOps



GET /pirkka_price

Retrieve the latest price of Pirkka beer. Returns

200 OK on success with a JSON object containing the following property:
    price (float): latest price of the Pirkka-III beer in Euros.
404 Not Found if the price is not found.


As of v1.0.1 Pirkka III-Olut daily price is saved to an SQLite database. Database backups are handled at the server backend to the off-site NAS server.


If you wish to contribute to Pirkkabot, please create a pull request with a description of your feature/bug fix.

Some things on the to do list are;

  • Drawing graph on the price data