
MQTT RGBW Sunrise animation with brightness and color control via MQTT

Primary LanguageC++


MQTT RGBW Sunrise animation with brightness and color control via MQTT'

This repository is to accompany my LED Sunrise Video:


Initial Setup

  1. Download the .ino file
  2. Ensure you have the correct libraries download and installed (links at top of the ino file)
  3. Update information in the user configuration section and upload to the NodeMCU
  4. Hook up your NodeMCU, to your RGBW LED strip (default pin is D1 which is GPIO-5)
  5. Send the number of minutes you'd like the sunrise to be spread over to the MQTT topic:

Parts (Amazon Links)

NodeMCU https://amzn.to/2MkBcka

RGBW WS2812B LED Strip http://bit.ly/2QaujCG

Power Supply https://amzn.to/2TAwrG2

Home Assistant YAML

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Bedroom Valance"
    command_topic: "SunriseMCU/command"
    payload_on: "mqttRGB"
    payload_off: "off"
    state_topic: "SunriseMCU/state"
    rgb_command_topic: "SunriseMCU/color"
    rgb_state_topic: "SunriseMCU/colorState"
    white_value_command_topic: "SunriseMCU/white"
    white_value_state_topic: "SunriseMCU/whiteState"
    availability_topic: "LWT/SunriseMCU"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    white_value_scale: 255
    retain: true

How to build with PlatformIO

  1. Install PlatformIO Core http://docs.platformio.org/page/core.html
  2. Clone the repo with git or download the sources as .zip and extract it
  3. Change into the folder where the platformio.ini is
  4. Run these commands:
  # Download/Install project libraries
  > platformio lib install

  # Build project
  > platformio run

  # Upload firmware to NodeMCU 1.0
  > platformio run -e nodemcuv2 --target upload

  # Upload firmware to DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1
  > platformio run -e esp32doit-devkit-v1 --target upload

  # Clean build files
  > platformio run --target clean