
A script to install a Fedora chroot into Termux

Primary LanguageShell


A script to install a Fedora chroot into Termux.

Currently it supports Fedora 38 & 39 ARM64.

Supported images:

  • f38 aarch64
  • f39 aarch64

or any fedora container tarball url.


In Termux run:

$ pkg install git
$ git clone git://github.com/juhp/termux-fedora
$ termux-fedora/install.sh [f38|f39|URL]
$ fedora

To uninstall:

$ ./termux-fedora.sh uninstall

Original blog post: https://nmilosev.svbtle.com/termuxfedora-install-fedora-on-your-phone-with-termux