
Mobile web3 app engineer, Juhyeong

  • Web3 Mobile App developer
  • Make Web3 chat App, '3 seconds club' with Flutter
  • Download available, 'App store' & 'Google Play Store'
Project Name Store Download Link
3 seconds club Google Play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=foundation.gen.threesecondsclub&hl=ko
App store https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/3-seconds-club/id6443981095
Cero App store https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/%EC%83%88%EB%A1%9C-%EB%8B%B9%EC%8B%A0%EC%9D%98-%EC%9D%B4%EB%B3%84-%EB%8F%84%EC%9A%B0%EB%AF%B8/id1643866155
Telepathy Coming Soon..

💼 Careers

'22.10 ~ : Baobab Partners, Generation Team, 3seconds club app developer

'22.04 ~ : Team Cero Developer

'20.07 ~ '21.07: SuperPlanet, Mobile Indie Games Marketer

'18.07 ~ '20.02: Scatterlab, 'Science of love' contents creator, Marketer

🎓 Education

Yonsei Univ. Psychology, Bachelor's degree

📱 Contact

phone: +82 10-5361-8962
email: juhyeongee@gmail.com
kakaoTalk: jjuddog00788
instagram: _ju_hyeong___
blog: 내뇌의 시각화 https://inmybrain-programming.tistory.com/

🛠 Stack

  • MainStack
    N|Javascript N|Javascript
  • Using web3dart packages
    • Contact with Ethereum MainNet
    • Made Native Token's transaction for Blockchain Chat
    • Making Txhash for token transfer, OTC escrow trade, airdrops etc.
  • SideStack
    N|Javascript N|Javascript N|Javascript

  • Cowork tools
    N|Javascript N|Javascript N|Javascript N|Javascript N|Javascript


  • Create Youtube Contents with N|Javascript
  • Made Total about 30,000,000 Views from Youtube, FB, Instagram.
  • Create Mobile Game 'Color Wheel' with N|Javascript
  • We publish at Google Play Store. But not available now.
