
It's Juicebox development and implementations environments... it's DEVLANDIA!

Primary LanguagePython


It's Juicebox development and implementations environments... it's DEVLANDIA!

Getting Started

First, if you don't already have it, you'll need to download and install Docker. Follow this link and follow the instructions appropriate to your machine (Intel vs Apple Silicon). Windows users on anything other than Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education with a minimum build number of 10586 will need to install Docker Toolbox. Run the full installation.

Setting up your SSH key with Github

First, follow the Github guide on checking any existing keys you might have, and generating one if necessary. After a key is setup you'll also want to setup an SSH config entry to use this key.

In your ~/.ssh/config file, add a block like the one below:

Host github.com
    Hostname ssh.github.com
    Port 443
    user <githubusername>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<ssh_key>

The 443 port is needed because of an issue we discovered where users were unable to interact with Github while on the Juice VPN.

Installing Python

Almost all the work on developing data services is done via Python. While Macs ship with Python installed, it's easier to manage Python versions from pyenv or homebrew to avoid many pitfalls. Below are the instructions for setting up with pyenv (installed via homebrew) The default Python version that homebrew installs at the time of writing is 3.10 which may be incompatible with Devlandia:

First, install homebrew if you don't already have it installed:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

brew install pyenv

pyenv install --list

Choose your desired version and install it. We don't currently have an exhaustive list of compatible versions, but 3.7.8 and 3.8.6 are confirmed to work as of 11/22:

pyenv install 3.8.6

Create a new virtual environment for devlandia by changing to the desired directory and running virtualenv devlandia. This can be done in a central place such as ~/.virtualenvs or in your project directory. Devlandia should be using at least Python 3.7.8. If you have multiple versions of Python installed and want to specify the version for your virtual environment, run virtualenv -p /path/to/python/install devlandia. If you installed your virtual environment to ~/.virtualenvs/ you'll need to run source ~/.virtualenvs/devlandia/bin/activate to activate it. Once your environment is set up and activated run pip install -r requirements.txt from the root directory of devlandia.

Finally, you'll need to run jb start from the devlandia directory. You will see a menu that will give you options as to what environment you would like to run. You can instead specify an image name or other options and bypass the menu selection like so jb start master-py3 Docker will pull down 4 images: Postgres, Redis, the pre-built Juicebox image, and the snapshot image. After the images are downloaded it will go through its initialization and will come up at http://localhost:8000/. If you're starting in a HSTM specific environment, go to http://localhost:8000/admin to bypass the single signon. To add new apps, go to the root of Devlandia and run jb add <app_name>.

An important note, the default behavior of running jb start now is to look for changes with the local image you're working on compared to the server version and to pull these updates, so you'll always be up to date. If for whatever reason you don't want to update the Juicebox image immediately, you can call the command as follows: jb start --noupdate. This has to be done every time you start if you don't want the image to update.

We also now prompt you to set up a username (Format should be "FirstName LastName") and email address. Once set we automatically create users for you in each Devlandia client as a ClientRole.owner.


We need to make sure your AWS credential and config files are set up correctly.

You will need to have your credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file. It is in the following format:

aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

If you have multiple users (not roles) your credential file may look like this:

aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

For the ~/.aws/config file it should be in the following format:

region = us-east-1
output = json
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::423681189101:mfa/<username>

If you have multiple profiles the ~/.aws/config file might look like this:

region = us-east-1
output =  json
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::423681189101:mfa/<username>

[profile profilename]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::423681189101:role/RoleName
source_profile = default

Once this is set up, you can run jb start <optional_env>. If you only have one MFA device it will automatically detect that and use that one. If you have multiple MFA devices you'll be prompted to select the MFA device's index in the list (0 based).

You will then be prompted for your MFA token, as well as the profile name and Juicebox should start.


The juicebox image is built with SSH enabled so that we can set up a remote interpreter through the connection. For local development purposes, a default insecure_key is installed to make it easier to set up and distribute. The private key is located in the root of this repository. To avoid getting an error about your key permissions being too permissive, in the devlandia root run chmod 400 insecure_key. Move this file to your SSH directory at ~/.ssh/. You will need to have Juicebox running initially to set up the remote interpreter.

Once Juicebox is running, go to the PyCharm menu and click preferences. Select Project: devlandia and Project interpreter. Click the gear icon and Add Remote. Set your settings as listed in the image below.

SSH Options

PyCharm will complain if we don't enable Django Support. To do this go to PyCharm -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Django Click Enable Django Support. For Django Project root just add the root of the Devlandia project, and you're done.

If you work only in one environment in Devlandia, you should be good to go. Devlandia includes a Juicebox run configuration that should work with the settings we've set up to this point. You should be able to set break points in your app. Click Run -> Debug - 'Juicebox'. It will create a new debug server running on port 8888. Go to http://localhost:8888 to interact with this debugging instance. It should now break on your break points.

HealthStream environments have a separate Run configuration HSTM-Juicebox. To debug, click Run -> Debug - 'HSTM-Juicebox'.


Port Already Allocated

In some cases you may encounter some variation of the following error: Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated. This is most likely due to a program running on the port we need (Juicebox in Vagrant for example). Be sure to kill the task that's using the port, and try again. If you still encounter this issue, and you're sure you've killed the necessary task, try restarting Docker. On Mac there will be a Whale icon in your top task bar, click that, and restart should be the first option. If all else fails try a full restart of your computer.

Signature Expired

The following error seems to come up if you've started Juicebox and left it running for quite a while. The credential session expires after 12 hours in most cases. Normally a restart of Docker fixes this issue, but if not try a full reboot. We have seen a couple of variations of the message, listed below, but the fix is the same.

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidSignatureException) when calling the Query operation: Signature expired: 20170519T122830Z is now earlier than 20170519T124310Z (20170519T125810Z - 15 min.)

credstash.KmsError: KMS ERROR: Decryption error An error occurred (InvalidSignatureException) when calling the Decrypt operation: Signature expired: 20171010T195804Z is now earlier than 20171010T200613Z (20171010T201113Z - 5 min.)

Debugging Not Working

There could be a couple issues at play here. In the PyCharm menu -> Project: devlandia -> Project Interpreter, check to be sure you have a path mapping set. It should be /apps -> /code/apps. If it's already set, but you can't hit any breakpoints, try removing and readding this path mapping. Map the root of your devlandia direoctory/apps -> /code/apps. The project root is a virtual mapping that gets expanded, but due to quirks in PyCharm it doesn't always get translated correctly, and you're left with an invalid path that doesn't map to anything.

Core Development

If you'll be working on the core and wanted to test things in Devlandia, you'll use a bit of a different workflow. Clone the develop branch of fruition into the root devlandia directory with git clone --recursive git@github.com:juiceinc/fruition.git. The core docker-compose file is currently based on the image from the current develop branch. The docker-compose file selectively mounts your local Juicebox code subdirectories into corresponding directories inside the container at /code/. Edits to local core code should be reflected inside the running container. After cloning the repo, run npm install in the fruition folder, to install requirements. You will be responsible for keeping this branch up to date. It's not something Devlandia will handle itself.